Beto’s New Gun Plan – He Won’t Confiscate Your AR, He’ll Buy it From You – IOTW Report

Beto’s New Gun Plan – He Won’t Confiscate Your AR, He’ll Buy it From You


The shifting sands of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke’s gun control plans have solidified, for now, into a pledge to buy back AR-15s and AK-47s from Texans if the state legislature will support doing it.

O’Rourke spoke with Texas Tribune CEO Evan Smith on Saturday and KVUE reported O’Rourke’s comments.

Smith asked O’Rourke to clarify his position on confiscatory gun control.

O’Rourke stressed his belief that citizens should not be able to buy a AR-15s, then said: “And if I can find the consensus within the Legislature to have a law in the state of Texas that allows us to buy those AK-47s and AR-15s back, we will.”

He has been down this road many times before.

Here is a timeline of O’Rourke’s confiscatory gun control statements:

  • September 12, 2019, he stood on stage at a Democrat presidential primary and said, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15.”
  • As a Democrat gubernatorial candidate in early February 2022, O’Rourke actually talked of defending the Second Amendment.
  • On February 8, 2022, KLTV noted O’Rourke’s apparent abandonment of his confiscatory plans by quoting him saying, “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone.”
  • But on March 12, 2022, O’Rourke returned to his confiscatory position, pledging to buy back Texans’ AR-15s and AK-47s if the state legislature will support it.

O’Rourke also used the conversation with Smith as an opportunity to criticize constitutional carry.


36 Comments on Beto’s New Gun Plan – He Won’t Confiscate Your AR, He’ll Buy it From You

  1. I remember a gun “buy back” about 15 years ago and during a news segment there was a line of people bringing in old, worn out, rusted junk for $300 and the people in the line admitted they were planning on buying new guns with the money.

  2. How? Transplants from CA to the already blue urban areas would be my guess. I’m flying into Austin in a few days. Wish me luck.

    (I was hoping it would have been maskless.)

  3. O’Rourke

    What a totally authentic hispanic name. If you’re a lying Democrat, that is.

    And quit trying to advertise for the lefties coming to Texas with the steers and queers promise to them.

    It’s full of redneck cowboys – even Mexican ones – and cactus is everywhere! We have Cacti tumbleweeds that will attack you when you least expect it and don’t forget they’re full of Copperheads and Rattlesnakes to boot!

    All 4 major cities have gone libtard.
    Crime and homelessness are on the rise.
    Just looked it up the other day.We used be low
    on the list of state debt. We are now above both
    NY & CA. !

  5. I believe the massive flow of illegals has
    drained this state of alot of tax payers $$$
    and blood… Fake Mexican Beat-Off O’Crock
    needs to just go away.He went to Harvard to
    get his head full of left-wing commie crap.

  6. I keep warning you guys to watch Canada.

    That is exactly what the Liberal Party of Canuckistan, under Turdeau, is trying to finalize.

    By the way, You don`t get to decide what your AR is worth.

  7. Well, since the U.S. dollar is going down the toilet because if massive money printing I say let him buy all of them, starting price? $2.3 million ( tax free) it’s to save the children surely his dumbass would put children in front of money. Put up or shut up you pussy assfuck bitch!

  8. why in the world would anyone w/ half a brain try to confiscate rifles?
    in 2019 (latest data … hey, it’s the gubmint) the FBI figures show there were 364 murders committed with rifles in 2019.
    same year Kali & NY alone had 371 knife killings

    … numnuts should start buying back knives …. makes more sense

    (remember kids, replace the ‘xxxxx’ w/ ‘https’

  9. I have a 11 year old stock Bushmaster I will gladly sell to him for a thousand bucks. It has less than 500 rounds and will come in the original box. It is the ultra-lightweight Carbon-15 in 5.56/.223.

    I like my Mini-14 better. I have also built a better AR in 6.8 SPC. The AR-6.8SPC shoots a 120gr .270 caliber bullet that is more accurate with twice the bullet weight with a flatter trajectory at a longer distance. There are better AR’s out there than the AR-15. I have a AR-10mm pistol with a 10.5″ barrel. It is a 40 caliber that is throwing a 185 grain slug at 1800fps that is devastating. The 300BLK is equally awesome as well as the .458 Socom and then there are the AR-10 deviations. I am still waiting for a 30-06 AR kit.

  10. I bit my pop-tart into the shape (well, kind of the shape) of an AR-47 … well, it looks like some sort of gnarly, threatening assault-thingy … almost got me expelled!

    … how much you want for it, Beta? … oops, I mean Beatoff … I mean Beeto
    gotta pay my dues!

  11. “By the way, You don`t get to decide what your AR is worth.”

    Spoken like a Canadian. Remember, your country is based on being loyal to the Crown. The original flee-ers. The American Constitution doesn’t apply to you.

    Our AR’s can be bought one bullet at a time.

    You just have to catch them.

    Our Government, unlike yours, does not grant us a single right that they can take away without risking their own life trying to do it.

    They actually know this, unlike people like you. That’s why we still have them.

  12. @Different Tim March 13, 2022 at 6:37 pm

    > I’ve a feeling that the bullets will be delivered first.

    If the bullets would be delivered… ever… there would be no gubernatorial candidate.

    Swallow that round, hot. Or wait for somebody else to deliver it from the other side. Nobody’s gonna’ save you. Including yourself.

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