The Hill – Supreme Court denies Trump administration request to cancel $2 billion in foreign aid.
The Supreme Court in a 5-4 emergency ruling Wednesday refused to halt a judge’s decision ordering the Trump administration to immediately release nearly $2 billion in foreign aid payments owed under existing contracts.
It hands a loss to the administration in the first time that Trump’s efforts to drastically reshape federal spending, agency by agency, have reached the high court.
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined with the court’s three liberals to side against the administration.
Read more HERE.
Pusillanimous piss-ants.
Pea-brained poltroons.
Apparently Justice is blind.
And retarded.
Pedo Island guests?
count on the commie robe-******* to suck pedocrat dick
@Different Tim:
Justice isn’t blind anymore.
It’s picking sides and is a coward.
It was a pause. Morons.
The Supreme Court’s emergency decision keeps in place a lower judge’s order enforcing his directive that the administration maintain foreign aid agreements that existed before Trump took office.
And what about the contracts in place for the Keystone XL pipeline? Resident Biden cancelled them his first day in office. Not a peep from the SCOTUS.
This makes me sick.
I guess it’s time for Sotomayor or Kagan to retire. Maybe we can get an ACTUAL constitutionalist on the bench for a change.
F’n Roberts and Barrett.
The Epstein list can’t be released soon enough!
A pause still allows that money to be sent. I doubt that it will be easy to get that money back.
I said that it was beyond obvious that Roberypts was compromised as soon as I saw him confirmed w/o the usual Democrat shenanigans.
There have to be ways to slow walk release of the money
This quote is SOOOO applicable so often, I just have to keep quoting it.
Attributed to Pres Andrew Jackson, “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it”.
What’s the SCrOTUS going to do if PDJT47 DOES cut off foreign aid? Arrest him? Good luck with that.
I hope Trump doesn’t listen to whomever steered him towards ACB. That person has done the American people a great disservice.
Roberts is likely on the Epstein disclosure.
Starting to wonder if there is going to be a big change coming.
Sometimes you have to cauterize to prevent infection.
What I find most surprising is the reaction from those who are surprised. Is this something that you weren’t expecting?
I was guided to this post by an X user I trust. From what she says, it appears that the order is reinstated for procedural reasons – but that the district court must respond with a clarification order, which the Trump administration can appeal. So while on the surface this looks bad, in reality it is setting the stage for SCOTUS to properly address it.
Thanks Dan. Great clarification.
lcd I hope so!
Take the $2B outta their paychecks.
scotus robs 2 dozen eggs from each of the 154 million taxpayers to support american traitors doing business afar. happy easter compliments of scotus.
ACB being her usual disappointing self. JFC… Never trust a bint.
Roberts is compromised.
pResident Biden made the new rule: It’s okay to ignore the Supreme Court.
P.S. What’s her name again? Amy CoMey Barrett?
It’s simple, cut the federal judges pay by 2 billion to offset the wasted tax money spent on usaid.
hopefully someone will now investigate the adoption of robert’s two children
that’s one of the things they have on him
This is a declaration of war. It’s been coming for 222 years, since Marbury v Madison. Roberts is challenging Trump and the Executive Branch. This case is from Vivek Murthy’s group.The judiciary has no standing to make any judgment whatsoever. Roberts has thrown down the gauntlet. Now it’s time for Trump to respond. HE should stand his ground and protect the Executive Branch and ignore this unconstitutional order. Roberts has no other choice but to sit there and take it. However, if Trump backs down, 2 things will happen; he’ll lose my respect and support, and it will effectively be the end of his administration, because all the left need do then file endless lawsuits to paralyze the administration. This the hill to die on.