Bettors Put Their Money on Trump 2024 – IOTW Report

Bettors Put Their Money on Trump 2024

Washington Examiner

Gamblers are betting the farm that former President Donald Trump will enter the 2024 race and win.

The betting aggregator Smarkets told Secrets that the money backing Trump is the highest yet in the 2024 race. More

14 Comments on Bettors Put Their Money on Trump 2024

  1. Not to get into a Trump vs. DeSantis spat right now but given Biden’s popularity (which will only go down from here) Charles Barkley, the Uvalde Police Chief, or Shakira would all parley more interest in the betting circles to beat the resident dope in the next election.

  2. Bob
    MAY 31, 2022 AT 10:24 PM
    “It won’t matter nothing matters anymore”

    “The West has failed. It is time for all to depart who would not be slaves.’ ‘Such counsels will make the Enemy’s victory certain indeed,’ said Gandalf …”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  3. When the conservatives roll over and give up….the liberal assholes of the New World Order win.

    I hate them fuckers more than most of you but I have yet to give up.

  4. I’d rather put a $20 bet on a 70/1 long-shot in the Kentucky Derby than bet against a ‘voting’ system that is just as corrupt as anything that Joseph Stalin could devise

    oh, they might allow the recuckicans to eck out a win this Nov., just to show that the elections are ‘honest’ (& then promptly blame them for everything bad that has happened & will happen in the next 2 years … & the recucks will gladly accept it)

    but, they’re never going to allow a free, fair election for Dear Leader ever again … they’re not about to relinquish any real power ever again

    no tyrannical regime ever has

  5. Erik, You talking to me? Oh hell no. I’ve advocated for him running a shadow Gov just like Obama, but only on our side from the get. A king maker. Still, there’s a lot of logic to him serving another term to just reak havoc on the deep state assholes.

  6. ^ The “deep state assholes” are the global corporate Marxists centered in Belgium, London and New York and the U.S. political elite who are desperately trying to keep the FED in control of the world’s only reserve currency. Mr. Trump has no such desperate backing except millions of fed-up people here and elsewhere. The only way Trump can actually “reak havoc on the deep state assholes” is to convince an uneducated – but fed-up – electorate to replace Congress and terminate the FED.

  7. They are on their way to the “poor houses”. Gwb has his
    Canucks fabricating the votes in my state – you dont think Gruesom actually, honestly beat the recall; DO YOU!- and As i predicted in Feb in Ga so the lefty kemp won big! GWb’s Canucks there as well.

    Bush’s computers will vote Don a loser! As they have many tiomes the last 2 years!
    As long as GWB lives conservatives lose.

  8. We’re gettin rid of one old fart, we wanna replace him with another brain-dead old fart, ah HELL NO, HELL NO! WTF, way not go for the world’s oldest man, that monkey pox has gotten to your brain.


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