Beverly Hills Allows Plastic Surgeons To Reopen – IOTW Report

Beverly Hills Allows Plastic Surgeons To Reopen

Fox 11

The Beverly Hills City Council, with a 4-1 majority, voted to repeal the moratorium on elective and cosmetic surgeries, allowing plastic surgeons to reopen their doors immediately.

The moratorium on surgeries was made March 16 to curb the spread of coronavirus in the city. More

35 Comments on Beverly Hills Allows Plastic Surgeons To Reopen

  1. …in fairness, were I a liberal, I would want to constantly change my appearance TOO, because there’s no WAY I’d be able to look at myself again…

  2. 32 arrested so far today by Gavin during a peaceful protest at the Capital. Lots of militarized LE all kitted out. No First Amendment for us Californians.

  3. Bad_Brad MAY 3, 2020 AT 12:36 PM
    “32 arrested so far today by Gavin during a peaceful protest at the Capital. Lots of militarized LE all kitted out. No First Amendment for us Californians.”

    …so when are the arrainments and court dates? When do you get a bail hearing? Are you issues a desk appearance ticket? Or it is just summary “justice” now, and you get put in the cells vacated by the gangbangers to get the Corona they spared their pets?

  4. “I don’t think people need Botox right now. I think that can wait.” Well it really doesn’t matter what YOU think Mr. councilman. That is an individuals choice and again these so called elected officials deciding what is essential or necessary isn’t a power we’ve granted any of them. To hand pick what services you can pay for, what they will LET you purchase.

  5. Miss Kitty MAY 3, 2020 AT 12:41 PM
    “Nazi Nan and the rest of her ilk gotta look good, while telling the rest of us we have to keep looking like shit, because she says so?”

    …forgive me, but NO man in the WORLD has the power to make Nancy Pelosi look “good”, regardless of his talent with the blade and the bandaid. That’s like saying cutting off a man’s joint makes him a woman, it’s simply, demonstrably NOT true.

    She doesn’t need a surgeon, she needs a MAGICIAN! And satan himself may want to help out, but the devil can only corrupt, not make, and also he doesn’t really know what “good” LOOKS like, so his vain efforts produce things like, well, THIS…

  6. BB…lots of militarized LE because BO was giving them military weapons and armored cars. But some people were sounding the alarm and they were ignored.

  7. Answerman Cooper
    MAY 3, 2020 AT 12:53 PM
    “Being forced to stay at home doesn’t mean you can’t have nice breasts to play with.”

    …it’s Liberalland, the synthetic “nice breasts” are on DUDES…

  8. “lots of militarized LE because BO ”

    They are California Hiway. State Cops. This actually happened on Friday but the protests are suppose to last all weekend. No local coverage. Instagram has some disturbing images. Apparently we are all Virginia now.

  9. Answerman Cooper
    MAY 3, 2020 AT 1:14 PM
    “^^^ Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

    in THAT case, get YOURSELF a set, and all-day play away! Coronavirus SAFE!

    …just don’t post any pictures…or tell us about it

  10. Given Nan’s new look, it doesn’t seem as plastic surgery stopped one bit for a select class. Rules/laws for us, not for them.

    I’m just about ready to shave my head. If the weather this week wasn’t going to be so cold it would be shaved off today. I badly needed a haircut before this all started, now I look like complete goof.

  11. huron,

    “DAAD!!! I need my nose job for the party in June..DO SOMETHING!!!!”

    Their politicians sure know what’s important, don’t they? If elective and cosmetic surgeries can now be opened, why not the rest of small businesses?

    Also, huron. You said something a while back about moving to the US. Hope you consider Michigan. I know we have Gov Witless, but not for long. And we have many county sheriffs who have been defying her highness’s demands. You’d be very welcome!

  12. They let us see behind the curtain.
    We now know how they want to treat us
    In the end they want to be in control.
    They have the wrong idea about their job
    I say remember the bad ones, and vote them out.
    Our own current leaders are just a step from shipping us off to gulags.
    They need to go.
    I am George Washing-Done with petty tyrants!

  13. Claudia. I live as close to Michigan as a Canadian can get, i can watch the trucks on the bluewater bridges from my back yard.I have spent many enjoyable days in your state(excellent for enduro racing,great sand dunes also)but as I age I pine for warmer winters.

  14. stirrin the pot, Knee replacement, hip replacement, are just two examples of elective surgery associated with severe pain and suffering. They are also examples of conditions O’Bama said it would be better to take a pill, get addicted to narcotics, and eventually OD.

  15. …this is fun and all, but I do want to give a sincere shout-out to plastic surgeons. Many of them ARE providing a needed service that actually DOES give people the ability to LIVE, not just FEEL good…LIVE.

    Those who are blessed to not know it any other way tend to think of plastic surgery as a thing to let malanky old ptitsas like Nan-Nan here pretend they still look good, or the billboards for plastic surgeons that don’t SAY what they are selling, but the model has a rather outsized CHEST in the center, so probably…

    …but no, that’s not the MEAT of plastic surgery. That’s the gravy.

    …my son was born with a cleft. They looked at genes, environment, toxins, all that happy crappy, never DID figure out why. Just ended up on “It Happens”, or the medical $2 word, “Idiopathic”, meaning they have no clue. We were blessed that he had no OTHER problems and he was quite normal MENTALLY and not blind or deaf (possible problems that go with clefts sometimes that, thank God, he did NOT have to face), but we had an IMMEDIATE problem with feeding him because he could NOT, like MOST mammals, suckle. It also makes it impossible to learn to do little thinks like “Eat” or “Speak” in such straights, not to mention what it would do to your future dating prospects, so while Mom and I learned how to squirt formula into his mouth in a way that wouldn’d drown him, the plastic surgeon devised a plan.

    A really, REALLY long-range plan. A really COMPLICATED plan.

    A plan that a man would have to have God’s help to devise, let alone execute.

    …I can’t get into everything, but he started with 3 surgeries before my son’s first birthday and very recently did one in his 20th year, with one or two more still pending when this latest one heals up. Long story short, you would not be able to tell by looking at him or talking to him everything my son has been through in his young life, he graduated with his class, lettered in baseball, and has had SEVERAL girlfriends (the latest one of which he’s talking about marrying), and ALL because the grace of God sent us a skilled plastic surgeon.

    My wife’s family has a hideous history with breast cancer, too. Thank God SHE hasn’t had anything more than some scares (and an antic lumpectomy ER sequale that ended up with MY hand INSIDE her breast AT DOCTORS ORDERS, but that’s a different story for another time), but some of her aunts have had single and double masectomies, and they consider it a Godsend as well that someone was able to give them not only a HEALING touch, but make it so the WORLD didn’t have to know about it at a glance, and also so they could have a normal life with husbands (and boyfriends, yet another different story) and such without embarassment or shame or ugly scars to take away from the enjoyment of Life.

    I could go on about hands saved (mine, for one), burn victims (you haven’t seen Hell until you’ve seen what “Burn Debridement” means), babies with burns on the backs of their legs and butts and genitals because a parent tortured them with a scalding hot bathtub that could be given a chance to grow up normally after being removed from their tormentors (and yes, “parents” did that on PURPOSE, some evil notion of “punishment”, the way a kid draws their legs up from the pain that creates a VERY distinct pattern of scalded flesh, and I’m reasonably SURE they were SCREAMING at such times), a skin conditions that make joint movement IMPOSSIBLE without some intervention, young girls spared facial and body scarring at very senstive times of their lives…I saw folks with some PRETTY SERIOUS DAMAGE just from boring ol’ CAR accidents, and it was SURE nice to be able to tell (mostly) the ladies that there WAS hope they’d have their beauty restored WITHOUT lying to them, as you should NEVER lie to a patient about ANYTHING, or at least that was the PRE-Corona ethos, but that’s yet ANOTHER digression and not for discussion now…

    …so, while I think the shutdown was stupid and wrong and that plastic surgieons of ALL stripes should NEVER have been forced to stop working on even the Pelosiest of problems, please do NOT assume that ALL plasic surgery is vanity and huibris.

    Thank God for plastic surgeons. May they be blessed and rewarded for all the good they do in this life, and may they recognize they have been lent the hand of God in their endevours and draw closer to Him that they may see He that lent them their skill, and all those that were blessed by through their hands from beginning to end.

  16. Supernightshade . My cousin got cancer in his jaw, mandible removed,cheek and ear removed the surgeons did a remarkable job rebuilding his face top notch also a friend had his face bit off by a great dane when he was in his twenties once again top job by the surgeons it really helps the mental condition not being stared at in public.

  17. You’re preaching to the choir there, Zonga, I’ve had knee replacement surgery and I know that it is not elective (in reality). My point was “essential” face lifts and turkey neck tightening.


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