Beverly Hills, CA and Louisville, KY Revolt Against Dining Bans – IOTW Report

Beverly Hills, CA and Louisville, KY Revolt Against Dining Bans


In Beverly Hills, California, city leaders are demanding L.A. County repeal its ban on outdoor dining, while restaurants in Louisville, Kentucky pledge to reopen regardless of what the governor orders.

When Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced a week before Thanksgiving he was closing all indoor service for restaurants and bars because of rising COVID-19 case numbers, Richard Hayhoe had a simple message for his customers.

“Come hungry, come inside,” said Hayhoe, the owner of Beans Cafe and Bakery in Dry Ridge, a rural community about 50 miles north of Lexington.

Instead of complying with Beshear’s order, Hayhoe opted to keep his restaurant open, saying the governor’s order was not about public health.

“This is no longer just about health, it is about control,” Hayhoe wrote in a social media post. read more

7 Comments on Beverly Hills, CA and Louisville, KY Revolt Against Dining Bans

  1. Fudging the death count ….
    When Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.

  2. “This is no longer just about health, it is about control,”


    …It was ALWAYS about control, it was NEVER about public health.

    …this wasn’t EVER about any VIRUS…

  3. The scamdemic at the moment is about misdirection. Traitors don’t want us to notice they’re trying to steal an election. It really shows how much contempt they have for not only us but their own useful idiots as well.

  4. I can’t believe there are people out there who don’t realize that a ‘case’ is a positive test result and not a death.

    They also don’t realize that you can test positive if you’ve had it and are over it. Or if you’re asymptomatic. The next trick is going to be getting the medical authorities to pride the exact number of those who died WITH covid as opposed to FROM covid.

  5. TheRealTruthSerum
    DECEMBER 4, 2020 AT 6:47 AM
    “The next trick is going to be getting the medical authorities to pride the exact number of those who died WITH covid as opposed to FROM covid.”

    …which will NEVER happen, for the following reasons:
    1) Peasant Control
    2) Democrat Politics (see above)
    3) More money for hospitals
    4) No pesky relatives in hospital seeing mistakes
    5) Lets you bury medical malpractice with no questions asked
    6) Gives Dr an excuse to not actually have to touch a patient, i.e. do his JOB
    7) lets them bill for a 5 minute phone call in place of a 20 minute appt so they don’t need as much staff or cleaning or anything
    8) Gives access to taxpayer money for things they should buy themselves, mask, gloves, etc
    9) Gives cover for medical cowards who are afraid to have ACTUAL contact with patients and should REALLY be shrinks or something that avoids the gooshy stuff
    10) They can ALWAYS claim you didn’t tell them everything or told it wrong in your Zoom meeting so when they kill you over a missed allergy, they can say it was YOUR fault if they can’t get a positive postmortem COVID test
    11) Medicine became a hireling of the State with Obamacare and the State controls their licenses if they don’t tell the story the State wants to tell, so unless a doctor wants to be discredited, disgraced, and professionally destroyed he’d better do what the State says (see point 1 above)
    12) Because of their long jolt in modern universities most doctors have been heavily politically indoctrinated too, or have to PRETEND they are (see #11 above), so they’re gonna be Democrats anyway
    13) Most docs are control freaks anyway, so they have NO problem with being given undue authority to screw up your life if you don’t do as they say
    14) Democrats ruin EVERYTHING, medicine included.

    …so all in all, for these and other reasons, this is too sweet a deal for modern medicine to pass up, especially since they chased all the old docs out in favor of the Obamacare owned and politically trained kind. If you have no morals, ethics, or standards and want to make piles of cash and get a respected title that you can work WAY less hard at than your elders while being given a HUGE wastebasket to hide ALL the patients your incompetence kills, then COVID medicine is for YOU!

    …and they wonder where Dr. Mengele came from…


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