Beware the Government-Corporate Complex – IOTW Report

Beware the Government-Corporate Complex

News with Views

By Dave Daubenmire

Most white guys will not write about race because the media has successfully silenced our voices for fear of being called the R word.  Well, I am not one of them.  As Yogi would say, “I call them like I see them” and no amount of intolerance from the tolerance crowd is going to silence my voice.

I am sick of the double-standard and I am sick of watching black America being co-opted by Communists.  The Communist Left lay in hiding waiting for the next “injustice” to rear its ugly head so that they can fill the streets to permanently fracture an already divided nation.

Sorry folks, but most of America is sooo over racism.  Americans of ALL ethnicities are not racist.  Racism is BIG BUSINESS and is being used to destroy this nation.  If the Communist controlled media were to quit the race-baiting I believe most Americans would get along.  “Live and let live” is a great mantra that seems to work for every individual American.

I have been casually observing the attempt by the Georgia legislature to clean up their election laws.  Like several other states, the loosey-goosey attitude of those responsible for ensuring fair elections has caused them to drop the ball.  Perception is everything and whether the election was stolen or not will be debated into perpetuity, but there can be no doubt that the elections APPEARED to be fraudulent. The Bible tells us to “avoid the very appearance of evil.”

The self-appointed elite are interested in power.  The ability to control how billions of dollars will be spent and the perks that accompany such power must be extremely intoxicating.  How else can you explain the blatant lust for power that permeates our American society? read more

2 Comments on Beware the Government-Corporate Complex

  1. Well, written piece. American’s are too damn trusting/gullible..

    Good American’s told you for generations about the usurpation of central banks. You don’t listen. You simply obey and trust. Our founders even warned us. That’s how far back it goes. Today can’t even have a legitimate job without registering with the government. Capitol gains is 28%, and they always want to go higher, and do cause you let them. Even our founders warned about the usurpation of central banks before we were warned during the progressive era.

    The reason they want to de fund the police is to create a huge crisis/chaos. Then a bill with Obama’s national police force inside it will be introduced for passage.

    The 17th Amendment is state castration as well, and all sold on a lie too.


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