Beware The Shadow – IOTW Report

Beware The Shadow

Patriot Retort: Is Bernie Getting Screwed? The Shadow Knows

If you pay for a caucus App with a name like “Shadow,” you should expect that things won’t happen in the cool, clear light of day.

I was wrong yesterday when I said that the Iowa Caucus would be a circus.  Because this isn’t a circus; it’s a dumpster fire.  Thanks to the Iowa Democrats’ putting their fate in the hands of “Shadow.”

As yet we still don’t have any idea what the results are.  But from where I sit, it looks like the DNC might be once again screwing with Bernie Sanders.

Just how desperate are the Democrats to keep Bernie from getting the nomination?

Well, desperate enough to make a mockery out of the Iowa Caucus while making a fool of itself.

This “Shadow” App that was created to transmit results worked about as well as the Obamacare website.

Iowa Democrats would have been better off using two cans connected by a string.

Oddly enough, the tech firm that created “Shadow” is populated by people who worked for the Clinton presidential campaign.

And I’m sure that’s just a great, big coinkidink, right? more

7 Comments on Beware The Shadow

  1. The Shadow knows Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    Isn’t it such a coincidence that the hub of anything corrupt is CLINTON? And yet, they are still free to keep wreaking havoc.

    Which state was it that was going to allow voting by cell phone? That’s going to work out well for the DNC.

    Just how many times do voters have to be stomped, before they start kicking back.

    Hey, Iowa, how does it feel to be stripped of your voting rights?

  2. The shadow has Clinton ties and this brought to my mind a theory.
    With the help of the shadow and other powers still sympathetic to Hillary,Pete will be the nominee and he will then choose Hillary to be his VP. If he succeeds in winning the presidency Hillary will pray for a homophobic deplorable to take out Pete this is her only hope of fulfilling her unending dream of becoming the president.


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