Biden, 81, Says the Key to His Marriage is ‘Good Sex’ – IOTW Report

Biden, 81, Says the Key to His Marriage is ‘Good Sex’

This was sent in by Woody.

Speaking of woody…..

Even after 47 years of marriage, the romance between President Joe Biden and Jill Biden is far from dead. 

From kisses before he boards Air Force One to date nights and him introducing himself as ‘Jill’s husband’, the stress of the White House has showed no signs of straining their relationship.

But, in private, the president has revealed some very risqué secrets about why their bond is so strong, much to his wife’s annoyance.

He infuriates wife Jill by joking that the key to their 47-year marriage is ‘good sex’.

His racy comment has been revealed for the first time by Katie Rogers in her forthcoming book ‘American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, from Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden,’ in an exclusive excerpt obtained by

The president gives that marital advice to aides ‘much to his wife’s chagrin,’ reports Rogers, a longtime White House reporter for the New York Times.

Story HERE.

31 Comments on Biden, 81, Says the Key to His Marriage is ‘Good Sex’

  1. So Jill likes to watch what he does to the dogs?

    This moron gave a speech to the Govs today. In case you missed it, here it is. Blah blah blah, indistinguishable screaming, Trump, Lowest Crime Rate Ever, blah, blah, blah, lowest inflation ever, TRUMP, blah blah blah, greed inflation, those bastards, best leader ship ever. PUTIN, TRUMP, under my leadership, blah blah blah, most secure border ever. Blah blah blah, we need to send our money to Zelenskyy. All of it. Or we will execute your kids, and then send them to the front line. Blah Blah Blah, best economy, strongest recovery ever. Hey Jill, let fuck.

  2. “I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again…”



  3. Biden is a limp dick, in so many ways.
    Let the urban dictionary help me: Worthless, Lacks substance, Incompetent, Weakness, No Skills, Ineffectual Man.

    Don’t be a Limp Dick like JOE !!!

  4. We don’t need to know about joeys and jills sex life. Give us a friggin break. I doubt that the old geezer can get it up anymore without lots of Viagra. If you (we) have had a presidential boner (stuck up our wazoos, keisters) for longer than 4 years, please consult the Constitution and the 25th Amendment to remedy by removing bidumb from office because of senility and incompetence. How this idjit ever became President God only knows. Hey ho, crazy joe has to go and the sooner the better.

  5. Wasn’t choking your chicken, pounding your pud etc. according to the old wive’s tales supposed to lead to hairy palms, insanity and various other mental afflictions. Maybe that’s why joey is such a jackass other than being an incestuous bastard as well.

  6. Anyone else remember the quirky cult classic movie Harold And Maude with Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon from the early 70’s and the scene where the priest tries to talk young Harold from falling in love with an elderly Maude and how the priest talked about her saggy tits and how it disgusted him. That would be worse than joey and jill’s sex life, much worse and something that I don’t want to know. Yes, I know I’m dating myself, but I actually liked that movie when I was younger. That and the Cat Steven’s music in the movie.


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