Biden Accused of Planning a Photo-Op with Hero Border Patrol Agents — Insulting Them and Taking Back The Invitations – IOTW Report

Biden Accused of Planning a Photo-Op with Hero Border Patrol Agents — Insulting Them and Taking Back The Invitations


On Sunday, President Biden un-invited dozens of Customs and Border Control Agents and Police Officers involved in last week’s mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. 

Dozens of Law Enforcement officers from varying agencies who responded to the Uvalde school shooting at Robb Elementary School last week received an invitation to meet with President Biden during his Sunday visit to Uvalde.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that several border patrol agents decided to skip the event and go home after the White House asked them to leave their weapons outside the venue. But there is more to the story.

See also:

Most of the Local Texas Border Patrol Agents Skipped Meeting Joe Biden – Got in Their Vehicles and Drove Home Instead (Video)

11 Comments on Biden Accused of Planning a Photo-Op with Hero Border Patrol Agents — Insulting Them and Taking Back The Invitations

  1. Reminds me of the Obama visit downrange and the troops were banned from carrying their arms while the occupier of the White House was on the ground!

  2. Good for those USBP agents. Biden and his entire administration are nothing but worthless scum from top to bottom. The only thing they missed was Joes peculiar smell and an off the cuff story from Biden on how he spent ten years in the border patrol and single handedly arrested General Santa Ana back in the day.

  3. The whole thing was a “Planned a Photo-Op”. They waited for the media to show up, so it could be big news.
    They will continue to replay the event to trigger as many more as possible.
    Who was the first media outlet to show up and when?

  4. Maybe it’s because one of the “Hero” BPA whose wife is a teacher and daughter attended school there was in the news earlier that morning.

    Albarado who was on the Today show this morning wrote on his facebook page “I’m so angry, saddened and grateful all at once. Only time will heal their pain and hopefully changes will be made at all schools in the U.S. and teachers will be trained & allowed to carry in order to protect themselves and students.”

    It took one major incident to arm volunteer airline pilots who felts helpless to prevent future attacks after 9-11. Why not give teachers like Albarado’s wife the same opportunity.

    No one even thinks or talks about the still active FFDO program 20 years later, except maybe the wanna be terrorists.

  5. Pedo Joe is a self-aggrandizing asshole who wants to pose with actual heros for no reason other than to try to visually validate his fraudulent “presidency” and push someone else’s political murder of the United States.

    That he turns into a pissy cunt when real men won’t service his bullshit should surprise no one.

    I’m not surprised that he got stompy footed when he didn’t get his way,

    I’m only surprised that anyone would agree to be in the company of that demented pedophile in the FIRST place.

  6. TN Tuxedo
    MAY 31, 2022 AT 1:08 PM
    “Asking them to disarm was probably wise, especially considering how disliked Biden is.”

    …a young, determined, and well-trained man could end an old,feeble pervert like this with his bare hands before anyone could stop him, if sufficiently motivated.

  7. They know they should be shot. That’s why the big O had the Marines march for his inauguration with the bolts removed from their rifles.

    They know how evil they’re being.

  8. Fact is that JOE BIDEN AND COLLABORATORS did not want the information known that they (Biden and co-conspirators) installed a false-flag mass killing operation (again) meant to kill off multitudes of hispanic and black children. Keep in mind that JOE BIDEN is a longtime career associate and white supremacist ‘buddy’ of the Ku Klux Klan since before his sly entry into politics to present.

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