Biden Admin Quietly Admits Canceling Keystone Pipeline Killed Thousands Of Jobs And Billions Of Dollars – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Quietly Admits Canceling Keystone Pipeline Killed Thousands Of Jobs And Billions Of Dollars


Remember when Joe Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline the minute he took office?

Well, a new report confirms what everyone already knew. This decision by Biden destroyed thousands of jobs and billions of dollars that would have been created.

Everything Biden does is dictated by the crazy, climate obsessed left.

FOX News reports:

Biden admin quietly admits canceling Keystone XL Pipeline cost thousands of jobs, billions of dollars

The Biden administration published a congressionally mandated report highlighting the positive economic benefits the Keystone XL Pipeline would have had if President Biden didn’t revoke its federal permits. MORE

6 Comments on Biden Admin Quietly Admits Canceling Keystone Pipeline Killed Thousands Of Jobs And Billions Of Dollars

  1. “I’m going to end fossil fuels when I’m elected…I guarantee it”
    joe biden* to a young girl (of course) on a pier in 2019.

    Poor girl was too young and dumb to know that this ancient cock-sucking asshole who lives a life of luxury was promising to take her back to pioneer days and make her life a miserable shell of what it could be.

    America is full of fucking idiots!

  2. They were mostly Republican jobs so the Biden administration is not ashamed but they are bragging about how much they can abuse half the country and there is nothing stopping them.


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