Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking: Former White House Adviser – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking: Former White House Adviser

Epoch Times: A former White House adviser, Stephen Miller, accused the Biden administration of turning the United States into the “world’s epicenter” of child trafficking due to the administration’s border policies.

“These astronomical numbers defy any historical comparison. So overwhelmingly are the prior records exceeded that there is no reference point. Biden, with the unflinching aid of 50 Senate Democrats, is running the largest child smuggling operation our world has ever seen,” Miller wrote on Twitter over the weekend in response to a report finding that some 250,000 children crossed the border and were sent to “sponsors” since President Joe Biden entered office last year.

Miller, who was one of the Trump administration’s architects and currently heads the America First Legal group, added in a separate interview that the policy is creating “the largest child smuggling epidemic in human history.”

“It has enriched virtually every major child smuggler in the hemisphere and far beyond. It has filled the ranks of MS-13. It has created a monstrous industry of vast global reach,” he told the Washington Examiner on Monday. “And it has made America’s border into the world’s epicenter of labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and modern-day slavery.” more

7 Comments on Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking: Former White House Adviser

  1. Biden isn’t the child smuggler. Just an occasional user. He gave Afghanistan to the Taliban.(Poppies, opium, heroin)
    Clintons are probably running child smuggling.
    Obamas the Fentanyl through the cartel.

  2. Many illegal and underage teenagers can be seen in Ted Cruz’s recent video, all being primed and groomed for Joe Biden Built That seks-trafficking and forced servitude rings. It’s all in his alley since he is a known child molesting KKK-associated racist. Don’t be fooled by those sanctuary cities such as NY (et al) Eric Adams/Hochul giving illegals free goods, food, shelter, housing, and medical care which many of the legit citizens don’t get. As despots and money-grubbing tyrants often do to manipulate and deceive, these illegals are being softened-up to show their “gratitude” and provide degenerate entertainment for the elitists in these cities, including forced labor camps on democart plantations since many residents have abandoned these cities for good. Being forced to engage in certian activities by the democrat party and in their underhanded forced employ will also have these illegals issue votes for their labor masters, all with provided fake addresses and forged/stolen documents given free by NYC and other blue cities/states corrupt “immigration attorneys”.

  3. Many illegal and underage teenagers can be seen in Ted Cruz’s recent video, all being primed and groomed for Joe Biden Built That seks-trafficking and forced servitude rings. It’s all in his alley since he is a known child molesting KKK-associated racist. Don’t be fooled by those sanctuary cities such as NY (et al) Eric Adams/Hochul giving illegals free goods, food, shelter, housing, and medical care which many of the legit citizens don’t get. As despots and money-grubbing tyrants often do to manipulate and deceive, these illegals are being softened-up to show their “gratitude” and provide degenerate entertainment for the elitists in these cities, including forced labor camps on democrat plantations since many residents have abandoned these cities for good. Being forced to engage in certain activities by the democrat party and in their underhanded forced employ will also have these illegals issue votes for their labor masters, all with provided fake addresses and forged/stolen documents given free by NYC and other blue cities/states corrupt “immigration attorneys”.

  4. “My” children? Not even the children planted in some (transient) womb. But my. Legally inviolate. MY. Children?

    Oh. Somebody else’s spawn.

    Sorry (not sorry), wymyns. Not my monkey, not my circus. Sniff the wallet of that incel, over there.

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