Biden Administration locking up public lands from West to East – IOTW Report

Biden Administration locking up public lands from West to East


America’s public lands should be conserved and remain open to the public for shared uses.

Although most public lands lie west of the Mississippi River, there are several sites here in the Eastern U.S. managed by the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service. The Biden administration, however, is targeting millions of acres for permanent protection in the name of “conservation” to bolster its America the Beautiful (or 30-by-30) initiative–a dangerous rewilding plan masquerading as conservation.

Should the Biden administration get its way, two places — Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah and Big Cypress National Preserve in South Florida – will see areas closed off to most users going forward.

Bears Ears National Monument

The Bears Ears National Monument saga continues with the new Draft Management plan unveiled on March 14th, 2024. In December 2016, former President Obama created the 1.35 million acre national monument before leaving office and without consulting Utahns. During the Trump administration, former Interior Secretary and now Congressman Ryan Zinke announced a national monument review of 27 sites, including Bears Ears, citing overreach by the previous administration. It resulted in the shrinking–not elimination–of the monument down to about 200,000 acres. Then President Biden restored the monument to its original size in an October 2021 proclamation, disregarding stakeholder input again.

9 Comments on Biden Administration locking up public lands from West to East

  1. There’s community that puts together GPX files which are digital maps you can load onto a GPS. For example, they assemble the TAT (trans america trail), TWAT (trans wisconsin adventure trail), CDT (continental divide trail), etc, etc. There are thousands of trails to ride instead of taking paved roads around the country. Comprised of mostly public use land, with also agreements from private land owners. Inevitably riders come across gates that are posted, “property of US government,” and it’s friggin LOCKED. Imagine being in a desolate place, many miles from anyone or anything that took you hours to get to over rough terrain with limited gasoline and come across one of these damn locked gates.

  2. Pfffftt….riiiight. Try keeping any diehard backpacker, survivalist, prepper, 4wheeler, or average westerner locked out of Bears Ears or Escalate.
    Most of those people carry. And as grayjphn said, lots and lots of places to go missing.
    Hikers can hide, and FedGov will just simply…..disappear (hope their life insurance is paid up).

  3. One of the tricks the ecofascists are using here in Utah is to designate conservation as one of the uses in multi-use. The problem with that, of course, is that a conservation lease is exclusive use…but then, that’s their point, isn’t it?

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