Biden administration officially terminates Disinformation Governance Board – IOTW Report

Biden administration officially terminates Disinformation Governance Board

The Post Millennial

On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it would be officially terminating its Disinformation Governance Board. The announcement came after the department’s Homeland Security Advisory Council released its final report regarding findings from its Disinformation best Practices and Safeguards Subcommittee.

“The Department welcomes the recommendations of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which has concluded that countering disinformation that threatens the homeland, and providing the public with accurate information in response, is critical to fulfilling the Department’s missions. We thank the Subcommittee for its work, which required extensive fact gathering and analysis over a short period of time,” a statement from the DHS read. read more

13 Comments on Biden administration officially terminates Disinformation Governance Board

  1. “Sooo, since we got called out on it when we did it openly, we’ll just do it secretly instead, and with extra vengeance because we hate it when peasants think they can stop us.

    Enjoy your FBI raids and IRS Audits.”

  2. Freedom of the press. Free to tell lies, free to tell the truth and freedom to tell anything in between. Let the listener make the call as to who they prefer to trust.

  3. “… the Department will continue to address threat streams that undermine the security of our country consistent with the law, while upholding the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of the American people and promoting transparency in our work”

    Sure you’ll protect our rights and be transparent. Sounds more like misdirection than the truth.

  4. Absolutely nothing about the known predator Joe Biden and his sinister money-grubbing agencies should be believed about anything at all. Reputations as chronic liars all.

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