Biden Administration Push to Trans the Kids Is the Breaking Point – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Push to Trans the Kids Is the Breaking Point

Red State

But things are now shifting into an even more dangerous place, if one can even imagine that’s possible. While Republican-led states are seeking to limit the physical abuse of children through the use of “gender-affirming” surgeries which cut off the genitalia or breasts of minors, the White House is now threatening legal action in response.

Understand what this means. Yes, it’s couched as the targeting of anti-child abuse laws in states like Texas and Alabama, which is crazy enough on its own. A state absolutely has the right to disallow certain medical procedures it deems demonstratively harmful and abusive (including abortion, by the way). But the implications here go much further.

If it is somehow illegal for a state to say that children can’t be given “gender-affirming care,” specifically in regards to the mutilation of their bodies, because those children have a “civil right” to such care, that means that parents who refuse to take such steps can be held liable as well. More

31 Comments on Biden Administration Push to Trans the Kids Is the Breaking Point

  1. They are pushing this shit so much I have to wonder if it’s part of the NWO plan? They want population numbers lowered, so let’s start with the youngest generation moving forward. Get them vaxxed as soon as possible. Constantly groom them till they are mentally unstable. Lot of mentally unstable people end up committing suicide. If teachers can talk them into transgender surgeries, they can’t have kids. And all the while, they can take advantage of those kids in their own sadistic ways…sick fuckers. I’m probably wrong, but something I’ve been thinking about lately.

  2. Trans moron hate strait peeps. They really hate gay peeps. I innocently pointed out on anther forum that during the Nuremberg trials they sentenced a shit load of people to death for doing things to peoples bodies that Trans people are volunteering for, how fucking stupid are you. You cannot reproduce, your defective gene pool ends with you. Thank God.
    I’m still getting death threats. I’m not joking.

  3. It’s beyond time for pitchforks. While we’re at it, bring in the chainsaws, scythes, scimitars, katanas, broadswords, battle axes, sledge hammers, things that I have forgotten to mention, and fire….lots and lots of fire.

  4. Recently supermodel Bella Hadid admitted to, after long denying it, having had cosmetic surgery on her nose when she was 14. The wokey wokes were outraged that her mother had allowed her to have her nose done while still a child. These same woke idiots think it’s okay to give carcinogenic cross-sex hormones to, castrate, sterilize, and remove the breasts from children.

  5. Dr advise post menopausal actual women folk (after age 51) not to take HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) past the age of 60 because it increases your chance of breast cancer and other things.

    Ooooh Kay-what if you’ve been pumping your body full of hormones since the age of 5, 15, 25 etc…? What does it do then?!?

    I just don’t get this trans fixation. It’s completely mind boggling.

  6. Back when it was in the news about the father in Texas fighting against the whacko pediatrician mother trying to turn their son into a girl, there was a link in one of the articles to a study about parents who seek to chemically castrate their boys. 99% were mothers, over 60% were adoptive mothers or used a surrogate.
    Women today make me sick.

  7. Extreme faggots all have the same character flaw: They want you to hate them. They’ll sob like bitches that you don’t understand them and refuse to accept them. But when you do accept them, it’s a disappointment to them. So they up the ante on their depravity until you utterly despise them, and then they claim it’s due to your character flaw; not theirs.

    Faggots need to stop pushing boy buggering and trans madness, or they’re cruising for a bruising.

  8. “Dr advise post menopausal actual women folk (after age 51) not to take HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) past the age of 60 because it increases your chance of breast cancer and other things.”

    And every one of those medical professionals will trade years vs quality of life.

  9. States rights have to be restored. Nobody is going to bring back slavery to the US.

    The federal gov’t is eroding our rights daily. Mothers and fathers have lost the right to raise their kids the way they see fit.

    It is demonic that the government can authoriza a doctor to rip out your kid’s sex organs. Sick and disgusting in the extreme.

  10. @Chuckie

    You are not alone in your thoughts. Some big idea, plan, or theory has to join the dots and de-population may be the grand design behind all the evil.

    I’m only speculating. The people (???) in charge are not forthcoming about what they are planning to do to us.

  11. Tim Buktu – It has been weighing on my mind for months now. Hell, the Georgia Guidstones have a population number in mind. The World Economic Forum pushing the Great Reset, especially that asshole Klaus Schwab. And why on earth is Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates buying up all of that land, especially if they want us eating plant-based products…unless plant-based is a euphemism for Soylent Green. Just getting really tired of how the elites think we are just a number.

  12. @Buck Fiden April 8, 2022 at 7:47 pm

    > Sane mama and papa bears are going to begin fighting back.

    Come the 20th century (of the Judeo-Christian calendars), The Free West will have been cleansed. By the fire of adults in the room. Just sit down. Hush yo’ mouf. And keep paying (the adults’ in the rooms retirement income — that they earned).

    It’ll be glorious!

  13. @Different Tim April 8, 2022 at 7:32 pm

    > I don’t know many guys that have the hips for childbirth

    How many “do you know”, that have the hips for a sacrificial — to lesbians, pædos, trannys, and banksters — “abortion”?

  14. @Old Racist White Woman April 8, 2022 at 9:08 pm

    > Women today make me sick.

    The alternative is to “Put you back in chains!?!?!?!?!?!?” (h/t to Hunter’s Daddy)

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