Biden Administration Tries Putting Positive Spin on Russia-China Accord – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Tries Putting Positive Spin on Russia-China Accord


During an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday, John Kirby argued that Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin is “a manifestation of how much China and Russia know that American leadership on the world stage is back” and that there is “a marriage of convenience, certainly not one of affection” between the two.

Kirby said, “I think, first of all, calling this an alliance is a bit of a stretch. I refer to it as a marriage of convenience, certainly not one of affection. President Xi sees in President Putin a useful foil and a counterweight to American influence, particularly in Europe. President Putin sees in President Xi perhaps a bankroll and an opportunity to get more assistance so that he can continue to prop up his economy and to fight this war. They’re working together because they believe that they need each other for very discrete, not necessarily completely overlapping goals. We’re not looking here for a world divided by blocs.”


5 Comments on Biden Administration Tries Putting Positive Spin on Russia-China Accord

  1. Good Lord.

    Countries representing well over half of the world’s population are now paying for Saudi oil sans petro dollars.

    We committed an Act of War resulting in economic devastation of the EU because of energy shortages. Nothing says world leadership like Navy SEAL teams sabotaging pipelines.

    Over 5 million illegal aliens have poured across our southern boundary line.

    90 food producing facilities have been destroyed.

    Self inflicted energy shortages are the basic reason inflation is raging.

    Our urban centers are crime, drug and homeless shitholes.

    Our elections are a joke.

    Our “representatives” in DC aren’t.


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