Biden, After Harsh Criticism, Says He’ll Address Afghanistan Crisis Today at 3:45 ET – IOTW Report

Biden, After Harsh Criticism, Says He’ll Address Afghanistan Crisis Today at 3:45 ET

He says he’ll be addressing “the nation,” but he has to answer to the world.

ht/ hot salsa

35 Comments on Biden, After Harsh Criticism, Says He’ll Address Afghanistan Crisis Today at 3:45 ET

  1. Address the Nation? The Nation address?

    I hope somebody with a sense of humor slips him a cue card telling him to say:

    The Nation Magazine
    520 Eighth Avenue
    New York, New York 10018

    But of course nobody near him can POSSIBLY have a sense of humor.

  2. Jello Joe should start with Afghanistan, then Ukraine, Arab Spring, etc. Li’l O didn’t need Plugs for his touted foreign policy acumen. There are enough dopes who would vote for a “clean cut” pigment difference to make themselves feel good regardless of “just words, just speeches. Obaden is a cancer.

  3. Wild Bill
    AUGUST 16, 2021 AT 12:04 PM
    “The only thing I want to hear Biden* say is “I resign, effective immediately”.”

    …the only thing I want to hear from Pedo is “YHA*” with the cutoff caused from the noose cinching up tight, followed by the patter of shit and piss being flung from his pantlegs as he loses bowel and bladder control while his legs jerk so violently as he painfully suffocates that you can hear his brittle, age-and-syphallis weakened bones audibly snap.

    Followed by the collective gasps and screams of the Democrats crowded into pens before the gallows.

    Because they know they are NEXT.

    That’s what I want to hear.

    Because it’s the closest Man can get to justice.

    Both for the millions their lies have ALREADY killed,

    And the BILLIONS that will die in the coming, very bad years…

  4. I don’t need any more excuses from the democrats no matter who makes them up. That’s all the democrats ever have are blame it on someone else and excuses for in-confidence. The dog ate their plan again.

  5. It will be 15 minutes of nearly incoherent excuses, followed by the blame game. Ain’t gonna waste my time listening to a pathetic old child molester trying to justify failure.

  6. Biden tells those left behind to “hunker down” as the Taliban goes door-to-door. Such bullshit!

    Time to round up all the politicians and dump them in the middle of Afghanistan!

  7. Is there an Adderal limit? I thought the reason Biden tapped out and headed to Camp David was because the doctors were saying “he can’t take any more and needs time to breakdown what we have already given him”.

    I bet what is going on now around Biden is the scene from the Wall where Bob Geldof is strung out on the floor like a starfish and everyone is screaming and a doctor is pulled in and the White House Chief of staff starts stuffing $$$ into the doctors shirt to give Biden a shot so he is good to go for the show at 3:45 Eastern.

    What are the odds Biden blows a gasket while talking on TV? Odds go up if he has to take questions a non preapproved question.

  8. It took him six days to rest up and pop enough pills to be able to stand upright long enough to address the nation and the same amount of time for his factotums to think of all the ways they could blame Pres Trump for the disaster!

  9. Yeah. I’ll watch the evil, senile perv Xiden lie and make excuses for the genocide he helped create in Afghanistan.
    Yet, with the hope God shows the world how swift justice works and “deals” with Xiden while cameras are rolling. Xiden is truly a snake.


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