Biden and his staff met with Hunter’s top business partner at the White House throughout his vice presidency, visitor logs reveal – IOTW Report

Biden and his staff met with Hunter’s top business partner at the White House throughout his vice presidency, visitor logs reveal

DM UK: Hunter Biden’s top business partner had met with then-vice President Joe Biden in one of 19 visits he made to the White House between 2009 and 2015, according to visitor logs from the Obama administration. 

Eric Schwerin, former president of Hunter’s now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca, met with Biden on November 17, 2010, just as Hunter was striking multi-million dollar deals abroad, the New York Post reported.

The logs revealed that Schwerin made a total of 19 visits to the White House during Biden’s vice presidency, with nine of those visits including meetings with Biden, members of his staff and members of Jill Biden‘s staff. 

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a vocal critic of the Bidens, told the Post that the logs were the latest evidence of Hunter using his father to secure business deals and called on the Bidens to be investigated for corruption.

‘It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power,’ Cruz said. ‘It reeks of pay-to-play. 

‘The clear solution is a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption.’

The revelation comes as Hunter is currently under federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying.  read more

5 Comments on Biden and his staff met with Hunter’s top business partner at the White House throughout his vice presidency, visitor logs reveal

  1. This is all well & good but the focus needs to be on the midterms.
    This motherfucker will NEVER be removed from office.
    Our side has no balls.
    Therefore we need to neuter these assholes until 2024.

    The whole world KNOWS biden* is illegitimate.
    It’s too much to ask that he be removed.

  2. All should visit citizenfreepressdotcom which has displayed a hidden video of illegal invaders who are packed inside of nailed wood crates, pried open by border agents. This wood crate-packing of illegals was ordered by none other than JOE BIDEN.


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