Biden and the Left Are an Eggsistential Threat – IOTW Report

Biden and the Left Are an Eggsistential Threat

I can remember getting a dozen eggs at Aldi within the last 18 months for 69 cents. Last I looked they were $3.69.

The 60 egg box at Walmart last night was 22 bucks.

This is an indicator of bad, very bad, things to come.

16 Comments on Biden and the Left Are an Eggsistential Threat

  1. Local ALDI in Eastern Corupti-cut had eggs for $.89 when we started going there 2 years ago. Now they are $4.59 a dozen.

    Everything has gone up here. We were a Conservative State once upon a time but that ship has sailed and sunk out to sea. We now exist to fund the State workers, present and retires, and the white, black, brown and every color in between people who depend on the Government so they can sit on their butts and collect instead of contributing to society.

  2. The leftist government here in CO passed a law that all eggs sold in stores had to be from free range chickens……..prices have shot up and stores can’t keep the. In stock now because they never get enough. My wife works at a local grocery store doing their books. She said stock up because other items are being scratched off of their stock orders……

  3. Was in a small Safeway in a small town the other day. Not a dozen eggs in the store. Sign read due to the shortage of eggs…. I stopped at WalMart and they had eggs coming out of their display cases.

  4. I still have the old chicken coop out back. I’m sure chicks can’t be that expensive. I gave the water heater for keeping their water from freezing, away, but tractor supply must have them for sale. Chickens aren’t too much trouble to raise and roosters are great property defenders, too bad they don’t know who’s friend and who’s foe.


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