Biden Announces WH Monkeypox Response Team to Deliver “Health Equity to all Monkeypox Stakeholders” – IOTW Report

Biden Announces WH Monkeypox Response Team to Deliver “Health Equity to all Monkeypox Stakeholders”

I was unaware that monkeypox was an issue for the White House.

Additionally, I’m not exactly sure what a “stakeholder in monkeypox” is, but this team is in charge of making sure they have “health equity.” -CTH

When the government develops terms that are a bit quizzical, you can be assured it will not “delight you.” It’s obfuscation. They are designed to hide the pain. “Health equity” sounds like that.

And a “Monkeypox Stakeholder” sounds like you’re holding the winning ticket at the Monkeypox derby.

WHITE HOUSE – “Today, President Biden named FEMA’s Robert Fenton as the White House National Monkeypox Response Coordinator and Dr. Demetre Daskalakis as the White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Fenton and Daskalakis will lead the Administration’s strategy and operations to combat the current monkeypox outbreak, including equitably increasing the availability of tests, vaccinations and treatments.

However, today the Biden administration is proud to present a team of government officials tasked for the purpose of handling the whole of government response to the U.S. outbreak of monkeypox. more

18 Comments on Biden Announces WH Monkeypox Response Team to Deliver “Health Equity to all Monkeypox Stakeholders”

  1. A Monkeypox Stakeholder is a no good degenerate fudgepacker that intends to continue living his worthless lifestyle. Most are candidates for federal office in the biden administration.

  2. Unless you’re gay you have very little chance of getting monkeypox. Now monkeypox has become another politically correct victim approved disease at the expense of the much larger heterosexual population. If they’d quit buttfucking each other and sucking each other’s dicks we wouldn’t have this problem.

  3. The “whole of government” is invested in ensuring you have the “equity” to continue to live your libertine sodomite lifestyle uninterrupted by the inconvenience of an STD or any responsibility to the safety and well-being of others…

    You satanic butt fucking Luciferians.

  4. “Health Equity” implies that if not enough heterosexual men and women are getting monkeypox, we must intentionally infect them so as to bring the numbers into line with gay men.


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