Biden Asks Lame Duck Congress to Quickly Expedite Another $38 Billion for Ukraine Plus $9 Billion for Big Pharma – IOTW Report

Biden Asks Lame Duck Congress to Quickly Expedite Another $38 Billion for Ukraine Plus $9 Billion for Big Pharma

CTH: The White House is urging Nancy Pelosi to utilize the lame duck congressional session and construct a massive omnibus spending bill that will wrap Ukraine funding, COVID spending and a federal budget extension via continuous resolution.  The request for Ukraine funding is an additional $38 billion.

Federal funds to support FEMA and hurricane recovery efforts will likely be part of the bargaining chips. Essentially, the sausage ingredients are: if congress doesn’t give Zelenskyy more money, then DeSantis will not get federal financial assistance.

If you don’t support Ukraine, you’re a Russian operative.

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration sent a letter to Congress on Tuesday outlining nearly a $38 billion request to help Ukraine continue fending off Russian attacks.

The administration is also asking for $10 billion in emergency health funding, with more than $9 billion going toward Covid vaccine access, next-generation Covid vaccines, long Covid research and more. About $750 million would be spent on efforts to control the spread of monkeypox, hepatitis C and HIV. more

17 Comments on Biden Asks Lame Duck Congress to Quickly Expedite Another $38 Billion for Ukraine Plus $9 Billion for Big Pharma

  1. Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just PAY a bit OVER FAIR PRICE for the Lithium, Gas, Oil, Wheat etc. rather than all these Billions to shut out ChyNa & the Others?

    Even if the US eventually owns it, It will be difficult to keep it that far away from North America & with Europe all jockeying for resources.


  2. …the operators of the Democrat Money Laundromat currently known as Ukrane can compensate the Poles THEY murdered out of that 38 Bil (less 10% for The Pedo Guy, natch).

    Seems like NATO should declare wah on ZELENSKYY.

    …but they ALL have money invested with and are being blackmailed by him, so nope, WWIII it is…

  3. “Defense Secretary Austin’s plan to weaken Russia could be a Ukraine game changer”—Fox News, April 2022

    Looks like the game hasn’t changed very much. We’re still throwing money in the kitty, and we’re about to hock our watch to stay in the game. Ingenious tactics, Lloyd.

  4. Ukraine is the most corrupt nation in Europe, has been for years. The moron’s in our so-called Congress are just pouring $$$$$$$$$$$ down a rathole. This is not our war, but the uni-party is making every effort for it to be. The “Big Guy” & the rest of their crime family will get their 10% & Ukraine will dole out the rest to whoever has their hand out. Poof, it’s gone. Then the cycle will repeat. What does $38,000,000,000 matter to these assholes? It isn’t their money they are mowing through.


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