Biden ASSASSINATION Emergency – Feds Rush In! – IOTW Report

Biden ASSASSINATION Emergency – Feds Rush In!

An Alabama man has been charged in federal court for threatening to kill President Joe Biden, according to a complaint filed by the U.S. Secret Service.

John Andrew Bazor, Jr., 37, of Mobile, was taken into custody on Monday after being tracked down to the Home2Suites hotel on Satchel Paige Drive.

Bazor, according to the affidavit, called the White House switchboard on July 10 at 9:37 a.m. and said, “I am coming to assassinate the president. I can’t wait to see your faces when I put a bullet in him.”

The call

The same day of the alleged call, U.S. Army Sergeant Samuel Kash notified the United States Secret Service’s Protective Intelligence Operations Center of the incident.

A day after the incident, Bazor’s phone number was subpoenaed, according to the affidavit.

An initial investigation found that he left a series of rambling voicemail messages at the USSS’s Mobile Resident Office during the weekend of July 9.


18 Comments on Biden ASSASSINATION Emergency – Feds Rush In!

  1. The guy is obviously a genius! Left a message with the Secret Service. Brilliant! Most likely another FBI scheme . Did they remember to plant the Trump flag in his front yard before they called the press?

  2. Lord, please protect President Biden, as much as I dislike him, the last thing this country needs is for some wackjob to kill Biden. I’ve lived thru one Presidential assassination when JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald when I was 10 in 1963 and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by an unhinged John Hinkley and don’t want to live thru another because of the dire consequences that would result if joey was killed and the resulting martyrdom of biden who is the worst President this country has ever known to be replaced by Kamala Harris or worse Nancy Pelousey.

  3. If the story makes national or local news, you’ll know its bulls__t.
    “he began to ramble unintelligibly for several minutes.”
    The suspect or the President?

  4. Funny how quickly they move on this bullshit but can’t do shit about Hunter and Hillary after YEARS of investigations?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s beyond me why an armed uprising against these clowns hasn’t already begun sigh. These people who have stolen our government are clearly our enemies. All of them, going all the way up to the Tower of Basel (BIS) no less. That’s why we were given a 2nd amendment to begin with- “Break glass in case of emergency”, basically.

  6. Funny last week Alex Jones floated a theory they would assassinate Biden, blame it on some white extremist and use that to take rights/guns and demand anyone supporting MAGA etc taken down.

  7. Yesterday Brandon said he has CANCER. Today Brandon says he has COVID. Now the Alabama Meth Militia is making reservations with the USSS to come up and shoot at him. Brandon’s gonna be in the basement for a while.

  8. Does it really matter? Biden & the rest of the democrat minions want us dead. If they can’t kill us, then they will do the next best thing in what passes for their minds, enslave us.

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