Biden At The Wheel? – IOTW Report

Biden At The Wheel?

While most took notice of the White House Occupier threating to run over reporters during his test driving stunt a couple of days ago, sharp observers are questioning whether the doddering old fool was actually in control of Ford’s electric vehicle in the first place. Here

Watch the video. At the .38 mark, Biden turns the steering wheel to the right, but observe the path the vehicle takes and the actual direction of the front wheels as he waits for the cameras to point at the EV at the .44 mark. The wheels slightly return to the right, but unless there’s a terrible amount of play in the steering that vehicle should have been heading to the right not straight ahead. Watch

You can see the secondary wheel with the passenger riding shot gun has his hand on the wheel in the tweet posted in the article.

29 Comments on Biden At The Wheel?

  1. The Secret Service does not permit Presidents to drive. This policy is extended to ex-Presidents who still have Secret Service protection. The primary reason is that Presidential drivers are trained in the skills necessary to evade and escape an attack, whereas the President ostensibly has other things to do.

    So no, Biden is not driving this vehicle.

  2. …so it’s just exactly the same as the United States, he’s only PRETENDING to be in control while someone in the shadows does the actual driving …

  3. Due to his depreciated mental state I believe that he should have to take a written retest for his driver license. It’s not safe for the public that he be driving brain dead.

  4. LOL liberal sites are fact checking this. Probably a good thing they won’t let him drive since he threatened to run over a reporter for asking him about Israel.

  5. Everything Biden does is phony, election, running the government, reading a teleprompter. He doesn’t have enough brain matter, only the cortex that keeps him breathing.

  6. The Secret Service does not permit Presidents to drive.

    Ok. Fine. I get it. For the sake of safety and security, the president requires a chauffeur while in office.

    What I DON’T get is why he is allowed to sit in what is typically considered in US automobiles to be the driver’s seat and project the illusion that he is the one doing the driving.

    Why is he allowed to project the illusion that he is doing something he is in fact not permitted to do?

    [looks at 2020 election]

    Never mind. I think I just answered my own question.

  7. *Jesus, take the wheel! Seriously, take it! We are in so much trouble with this fool in the driver’s seat.

    *Not a song you would hear on a democrat’s playlist

  8. Saw this on Crowder just yesterday- I find it hilarious that they keep trying to hide how far gone Joey is and that they keep failing/doing it poorly. lul

  9. They even hired someone to shit Biden’s pants for him just in case he does not do it correctly.

    PS. (I’m starting to realize I am not as funny as I think I am after a double bourbon but at least I’m trying) I apologize.

  10. Kcir, but you’re the one that started all the funny, Biden pants-shitting shit. Don’t stop. Someone has to dig the shit out of Biden’s pants with a serving spoon. Better an impartial Canadian does it. I’m ready to vomit just thinking about it.

  11. @Ollie Hominin

    Will do. No problem, but Could you please Help me with the Justine Turdeau?

    He is barely in the spotlight now that Zer/He/She/They is no longer the dumbest leader in North America.

  12. Since this picture was taken at the Ford plant maybe we should start calling joey Edsel since he is a lemon and just like Edsel’s front grills looked like an Oldsmobile sucking a lemon, both joey and camela are sucking America dry for all its worth.

  13. I’m amazed that Mr. Bidet thinks he could fool lots of people with that idiotic stunt. Then again, he’s been around liberals most of his useless life.

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