Biden attempts a bigoted swipe at southerners – IOTW Report

Biden attempts a bigoted swipe at southerners

23 Comments on Biden attempts a bigoted swipe at southerners

  1. This Traitorous Usurper should be hanged by the neck.
    His carcass put into a gibbet for the crows and as an example to all the other traitors who shortly follow him to Hell.

    “Boxed” my ass.

    Death to Traitors!
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If Google translate had “US Southern” as an option…

    “Well, bless his little heart!”

    Translation: “Make one more comment like that, especially about a brave, Christian man – and I will slap that silly mask off your sweet little face”

  3. This gibbering simp is beyond embarrassment. I cared for an aged relative as she descended into dementia. On the average day she exhibited more situational awareness and presence of mind than this ass does on his best day.

  4. “If Robert E Lee had been in Afghanistan he would’ve won.”

    Right, instead we had so called “leaders” like general Millie and other feckless leaders who had absolutely no intention of winning. The only people who won in Afghanistan Raytheon and the CIA.

  5. That Robert E. Lee slur is just another ignorant contrivance by a non-Southerner who has watched too much “Dukes of Hazard”. It was said by no Southerner ever. Some beltway buffoon said it to Biden to calm him down about the “ Buck Fiden” stuff, and it stuck in Joe’s broken brain.

    Keep it up, y’all. We’re getting inside his head, and he’s losing it.

  6. Biden: Arrogant, disrespectful Chump.
    A more appropriate understanding would have been “if” Union Maj. General Burnside or Maj. Gen. George McClellan had led the evacuation of Afghanistan, it could not have been worse. Both had the support of Lincoln, all his political hacks and full arsenal of the Union Army resources and armaments. Gutless Failure after Failure.

    General Milley had all that and much more. Yet, Milley proved himself as incompetent and gutless as Burnside and McClellan.

    Not one, Biden, Austin, Blinken or Milley are worthy or competent to spit shine General Lee’s boots or hold the reins of his horse Traveller.

  7. Chickenmom, General Robert E Lee’s horse was named Traveller, joey on the other hand is a fellow traveller (what we used to call a pinko) who bows down and worships any kind of kind of communistic, despotic, ungodly, unconstitutional worldview in his evil heart and mind. Robert E Lee was a true hero and gentleman even if he fought for a lost cause, joey is and always will be a zero.

  8. It must really burn these claim Jumpers that they’re losing even their own supporters.
    Just an observation, but I don’t see this ending without kinetic activity.
    Side note, found myself looking at all the aircraft yesterday for the memorial of 9/11 flying around wondering if we had to rent them from Iran or Afghanistan?

  9. Mister, we could use a man like Lee in Afghanistan
    Didnt need no Commie state
    All the libs are filled hate
    GOP of ours aint great
    These aint good days

    Archie Bunker III


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