Biden Aware He’s Getting Crushed in the Polls – IOTW Report

Biden Aware He’s Getting Crushed in the Polls


Democrat President Joe Biden is “angry and anxious” about his struggling reelection campaign, NBC News reports.

Things are so bad inside the White House that, at one recent meeting where advisers informed Biden of his falling poll numbers in battleground states like Michigan and Georgia, Biden then began yelling and cursing at staffers. More

23 Comments on Biden Aware He’s Getting Crushed in the Polls

  1. “Biden then began yelling and cursing at staffers.”


    Way I hear it, that’s what he’s done all along. It’s who he is. It’s WHAT he is.

    No boss in a non-political role would survive this.

    But he was never really any kind of legitimate boss to begin with.

  2. Uncle Al
    MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2024, 13:20 AT 1:20 PM
    Good. I hope it continues to make him unhappy. I want him to be depressed and unhappy and miserable for the rest of his HOPEFULLY SHORT stinkin’ life, AND FOR ALL HUS ETERNITY IN HELL.

  3. SNS – No boss in a non-political role would survive this.

    When yer at the bottom of your class, working in the Private sector is not an option. Not only will the boss not tolerate you, neither will your far smarter peers! When you’re an Asshole on top of all that there is no other option than to go democRAT and wallow in the filthy mud fest that is Washington DC.

  4. I don’t believe a word of it. Biden has no idea what’s going on in his world. That article was carefully orchestrated for a reason. Biden has the courts, Dominion, and the MSM on his side. He has nothing to worry about.

  5. Seems like the most extensive voter fraud program is being withheld. Well, we can hope anyhow. No other reason Biden would be upset though, considering he’s never done anything to win support of voters. And constantly throws half the country under the bus, completely unwilling to garner support; more than willing to push them away instead. When he’s not being an intentional asshat divider in chief he’s in the basement face down in a bowl of oatmeal.

  6. Hey Democrats…Remember when you painted President Trump as “increasingly isolated”, “lashing out” and “defiant” every damned day of the week for four years? Enjoy your time with your “angry and anxious” asshole, because he doesn’t have much time —or anything else— left.

  7. So mail in ballots, Dominion voting systems, software “patches,” etc have ALL BEEN BANNED…have they? Until they are, and executions for TREASON carried out, who cares about polls?

  8. “ they are hopeful that now that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are hitting the campaign trail a bit more that things might turn around for them.”

    You’ve got to be kidding…only in upside down world will that work. Oh wait…


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