Biden Barely Able to Beat Granddaughter In Mario Kart May Have Hidden Message About His Dementia – IOTW Report

Biden Barely Able to Beat Granddaughter In Mario Kart May Have Hidden Message About His Dementia

The Hill

President Biden has joined the scores of people who turned to Mario Kart to stay entertained during the pandemic – at least for one game with his granddaughter.

Naomi Biden posted on Snapchat this weekend that she and her grandfather played an arcade-style game round of Mario Kart at Camp David over the weekend – and that he won. More

CTH suggests there’s a dementia prevention angle to this story. Here

16 Comments on Biden Barely Able to Beat Granddaughter In Mario Kart May Have Hidden Message About His Dementia

  1. I hate these contrived by propagandists media fluff pieces designed to humanize this disgusting, perverted fake president. I wonder if he is showering with the granddaughter like he did with his daughter at that age?

  2. He just said Minorities weren’t smart enough to use the Internet…and He

    dropped the old “Black on Black Crime is the biggest Problem ”

    I bet His Handlers shit a proverbial Brick.

  3. “We bought him some swag since it’s Presidents’ Day weekend and he’s “literally” President.”

    Yea right, and I am Cleopatra Queen of the Nile.

    He is nothing more than the figure head of the contemptable, corrupt Deep State/Media/Big Tech apparatus that has usurped the Office of the Presidency of the United States. He is not the President and never will be the President.

  4. @ nunyo bidness FEBRUARY 17, 2021 AT 4:28 PM

    At least the footage of him licking windows hasn’t been leaked…. yet. Any of the 65M or so who actually voted for this idiot need to have their head examined

  5. I personally don’t give 2 shits.

    Grown men playing video games?

    A 3 year old can easily beat me at any video game and so could Biden. I get depressed when see how many people live on a video console.

  6. The 7 year old grandson spent the weekend with us and we played my pinball games. It made him so happy to best me that I let him win again and again. I think that’s what granddads are supposed to do. Made me pretty happy too.

  7. The little vixen kept distracting grandpa – she soiled her diapers in a coquettish sort of way …

    The Election was Stolen.
    Biden is a Usurper.
    Wuhan Flu is a Hoax.
    Globaloney Climate Whatever is a Hoax.
    Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself.

    izlamo delenda est …

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