Biden Believes President Will Try To Delay Election – IOTW Report

Biden Believes President Will Try To Delay Election


Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, speculated during a Thursday virtual fundraiser that President Donald Trump will attempt to delay the election in November.

“Mark my words I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” Biden told attendees at the event billed “A Fabulous Evening With Vice President Joe Biden,” according to a pool report. More

The perfect democrat candidate, demented and delusional. – Dr. Tar

18 Comments on Biden Believes President Will Try To Delay Election

  1. Never ever forget. Progtard demoncrats always project their own thoughts and actions onto others – especially conservatives. He has just said, more or less, that the dementiacrats will be somehow f*cking with the election.

  2. As we all already knew

    2020 was won awhile ago

    Now we just play along to see how the MSM spins up concoctions of all those undecided voters and 50-50 splits and other such misdirections

    They got nothing, and They know it
    Nancy doesn’t have a spare

    If Biden strokes before the convention
    A: Nancy did it

    If Cuomo steps in
    B: Bloomberg did it

    A & B may be in reversed alphabetical order

  3. “Mark my word, we’re printing mail-in ballots for all those dead corona folks as fast as we can. can’t swing a dead cat in here without hitting an Indian … no really, I, I, I, I, did … uh, something, … you know, with that thing, that thing Man! … you know! I told Obiden Balama that this would work … & when it does, I promised he could rub my hairy legs & sit on my lap … all those little colored, uh … um, you know … oh what am I saying? me & my little ‘down-low’ buddy are best friends … C’mon Maaaaaan!

    Jiiiiiiill …. my diaper’s full again. Jiiiiiiiill … you up there?…. Hello?”

    this is a direct quote, from an un-named reliable source in the DNC … my word as an unbiased WaPo/NYT journalist!

  4. What an idiot. The President doesn’t have the power to do that. If he somehow moved the election he would surely lose, as it would be indicative of an imperial mindset and people would vote him out of office. Biden is such a demented dick.

  5. Every time Dementia Joe Obiden Bama goes off script, something dribbles out of his disconnected brain. He is like a reverse Encyclopedia Britannica. Every time he opens his mouth, Obiden Bama subtracts from the sum total of human knowledge. This is something special. We are watching a professional political hack and a political party destroy themselves for no better reason than this mentally incompetent idiot is the best they can come up with after more than three years. It’s the Full Catastrophe in real time. I love it!

  6. So the FLAMING FUCKNUTS OF FAZEBOOK pull the humorous meme about the election being “cancelled,” and Trump remaining President (and see how FAST “corona virus” dries up!!!), but numbnut Plugs actually mumbles this, and demtards go apeshit?!?! 🙄

    Hey – FAZEbook! Look FAMILIAR?! 🖕🤬🖕

  7. What are the chances the D’s will use Tara Raede to dump Biden before/at the convention? Kills two birds with one stone – gets rid of him because he is too bat shit senile but they don’t have to admit it and gives them a “We are not hypocrites” card to play

    Plus the party elders can then pick whoever they want to run – maybe Hillary again (though I doubt it), probably one of the loud mouth bitches in the Senate – maybe Cuomo or someone like him as VP


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