Biden Booed in Nantucket – IOTW Report

Biden Booed in Nantucket

UK Daily Mail

Joe Biden was booed and heckled on the streets of Nantucket on Saturday even as people protesting the war in Gaza were kept far away from the president.

The president’s motorcade even took a different route from where he is staying – David Rubenstein’s $34 million home on Abrams Point – into town to avoid driving past protestors gathered on the side of the road with signs saying ‘Free Palestine.’

A group of about 40 people calling for an end to the fighting in Palestine were kept down one end of Main Street in downtown Nantucket – about six blocks from where Biden was shopping with wife Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and the first couple’s grandchildren. More

28 Comments on Biden Booed in Nantucket

  1. Seems that none of the supposed 81M voters that cast a ballot for the doddering old fool bothered to show up. I find that rather strange. I suppose to expect them to get off their dead ass before mid afternoon is a bit presumptuous

  2. From the article, “…On Friday, the (Biden) family had their traditional lunch at Brotherhood of the Thieves, a local pub,…” The irony is incredibly obvious with that sentence.

  3. Joey B vacationed in Nantucket and when confronted by people he encountered they all said fuck it. Joey is about as popular as the plague. Nobody likes him, most everybody hates him, I guess he’ll make us all eat worms. FJB! And the democraps, deep staters, RINO’s etc. etc.

  4. There one was a Jackass visiting Nantucket.
    Whose brains were like fresh Shit in a Bucket.
    He slipped in the Shower,
    The Dog ran and cowered.
    Cause his owner was trying to F@CK IT!

  5. I wonder, were those locals booing Biden or tourist. There are reports of other dumb-dumbs cheering the feckless freak and related criminals as the cruised Nantucket for bargains.

    If there were tourist, which I suspect, that would mean the hospitality industry in and around Nantucket probably had a better than usual end of November bookings thanks to the influx of idiots.

    It’s just too bad a Tsunami didn’t suddenly rise up out of the ocean and wash them all away.

  6. here’s the best chatgpt could come up with (don’t think it’s programmed by commies?)

    There once was a man named Biden,
    In Nantucket, he was providin’.
    With policies clear,
    And a smile sincere,
    He sailed through challenges glidin’.

  7. It looks to be some kind of solid extension of the hand guard/float tube, perhaps to direct blast forward and not blow anything back in your face. It appears the barrel does not project out, or even to the end of the tube. Beats the hell out of me why for. It looks like an AR10

  8. That binocular in his hand is a pair of 8×56 Steiner Night Hunter/Shadowquest same bin, different name in Europe and the US. I have a pair sitting on my bedroom window sill, I bought them after my Doctor Nobilem 8×56 was stolen. The Nobilem was the best low light bin ever produced until that Steiner came out. Neither are still made. Nothing else is in their league. If my neighbor calls at midnight and says that someone or something is moving outside, I can tell him exactly what it is and what it is up to.

  9. While Trump was booed at a Clemson S. Carolina football game over the weekend. Chants of go home & we want Nikki Haley. Several electonic billboards in the stadium home town of Columbia flashed heartwarming messages of “You Lost” & “You’re Guilty”.


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