Biden Booster Shot Performed On Odd White House-like Set – IOTW Report

Biden Booster Shot Performed On Odd White House-like Set

26 Comments on Biden Booster Shot Performed On Odd White House-like Set

  1. A lying liar lies.
    He has nothing but lies and deceit.
    Even his lying propaganda lies are phony.
    I guess there are truly stupid people who will believe this maggot and his maggotty, lying, usurping, fake administration.

    Fuck Joe Biden!
    mortem tyrannis
    Θάνατος στους τυράννους

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Jeezus, the arm hair. I guess that came with age, otherwise those little black kids at the pool…I can’t think about it. On the other hand, maybe the werewolf scared hell out of Cornpop.

  3. One shot, two shot, three shot. If they can mandate it, what’s to stop them from mandating you getting a shot every day? That should be a question asked. A government that can mandate you get a shot can mandate anything they like. The fact that they are actively censoring any opposition in the medical and research community, even with what the CDC has been on record saying. It should be a big red flag for everybody. This whole thing stinks to high heaven and it’s rigged like the last election.


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