Biden bumps his head on Marine One. Again. – IOTW Report

Biden bumps his head on Marine One. Again.

Biden apparently bumps his head on Marine One as debate persists over president’s mental fitness.

14 Comments on Biden bumps his head on Marine One. Again.

  1. Gonna’ give him the Gerald Ford send up on late night shows? Probably not.

    Opportunity to claim a career-ending injury? Perhaps.

    Hard on the helicopter? Almoat certainly.

  2. Maybe it’s time to nickname joey Bumpy. It’s raining, joey’s boring, the senile old man smacked his head one more time and said oh shit, too much more of this and I won’t wake up in the morning. And we all gave out a huge sigh to wish him a permanent goodbye. The Secret Service is gonna need to make joey wear a bike helmet so that he quits smacking his head on things all the time or tripping walking up steps. Or do like the Babylon Bee suggested and tie him to a hand truck every time and carry him every time he gets in and out of Air Farce One, so he doesn’t fall anymore.

  3. Thank goodness!
    No – really!
    If he had struck any other part of his body there might have been an injury – a bruise or something.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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