Biden Calls Xi the Russian Leader, Botches Lincoln Quote, Forgets Obama’s Name in Disastrous Speech – IOTW Report

Biden Calls Xi the Russian Leader, Botches Lincoln Quote, Forgets Obama’s Name in Disastrous Speech

Politics Brief: President Joe Biden’s appearance before the nation’s governors at a black tie event on Sunday was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish.

At the National Governors Association Winter Meeting, Biden humiliated himself — and by extension, the office the presidency — by constantly botching historical quotes and being unable to correctly identify some of the most powerful world leaders. more here

11 Comments on Biden Calls Xi the Russian Leader, Botches Lincoln Quote, Forgets Obama’s Name in Disastrous Speech

  1. Yeah and on top of that, Russia is already interfering in the elections.
    These Demoncrats create the crime and blame someone else. You think people could wise up and figure out that the bumbling stumbling idiot running the country is representative of the country that the entire world see’s

  2. Did you see msNBC too this AM
    Mika looks like she aged 10 years since last weeks
    What is up with that?
    She had a grumpy grimace the whole show and some unplanned closeups.
    Does she have sore feet?
    She is getting old.
    Her husband seems distracted all the time too.
    He looks like a nervous monkey in a rockin chair factory

  3. HEY!



    Lord Rothchild just died.
    He has a HUGE TRUST
    And is very Philanthropic (was)

    He could cover Ukraines 65 Billion Dollar US Warmongers Fund.
    He was very charitable to War Mongers.
    Think he even liked the Nazis back in the day.

    Run it up the flag

  4. The joke’s on us. Each and every able bodied man in the United States aged sixteen to sixty five (and I say, big boys down to fourteen and sturdy old guys as old as they’ll show up, there’s work for everyone) are responsible to stop this madness.

    We can slide up to this point claiming we’ve been following the civil process… up to this point. If they cheat it this time around as they did the last couple we won’t have that excuse anymore.

    The fyrd is being called.


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