Biden Camp Lashes Out Amid Another Damaging Leak About Joe Biden Exiting the Race – IOTW Report

Biden Camp Lashes Out Amid Another Damaging Leak About Joe Biden Exiting the Race


Biden’s campaign is desperately lashing out at reporters as Joe Biden convalesces at his Rehoboth Beach house.

Joe Biden was last seen in public struggling to get into his presidential motorcade after he announced he had Covid.

The damaging leaks are increasing amid rumors of an open convention.

According to a leak to NBC News, Biden’s family is discussing an exit plan for Joe Biden.

“Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions,” NBC News reported.

“The overall tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan — should Biden decide to take that step, as some of his closest allies increasingly believe he will — should put the party in the best position to beat former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office, these people said.” the outlet reported.

Biden’s team is scrambling to take control of the narrative as the media piles on. more

17 Comments on Biden Camp Lashes Out Amid Another Damaging Leak About Joe Biden Exiting the Race

  1. “while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office”…
    The only thing “worthy” of what he has done in office would be five decades behind bars.

  2. “Lashing out”


    “Increasingly isolated”

    Those are all false things the media said about Trump for four years. Now they’re saying those things about Biden. And it’s all true about Biden. No doubt the irony of this is lost on the journos. I don’t think they’ve even noticed Joe’s fake tan.

  3. Here you go:
    Perhaps they’re painting a picture of nasty, belligerent Joeypants in anticipation of the pile of evidence that shows the assassination attempt on Trump was not the act of a random, sullen kookoo kid, but in fact was ordered from high up in the “biden Administration” (in quotes because anyone with a brain knows that biden can’t do jack other than lie shamelessly on camera, since that’s all he’s ever accomplished successfully, ever).

    When/if that case is made, they can throw Potatohead under the bus, saying that he alone ordered the hit, because he was a “didn’t mean any harm by it” senile old man.

  4. Democrats had the Republican convention and now the 2024 Olympics to set up Biden’s exit from political life. There were two hitches to the plan: Biden is too egotistical and unintelligent to realize it is time to leave, and the Democrats need to structure it so that it looks like some sort of unavoidable medical situation.

    Initially, Biden told reporters that if God told him to leave, he would leave. Since then, he has amended his position to claim that if there was a medical reason he needed to retire, he would retire. Obviously, lack of mental capacity doesn’t really disqualify any Democrat from office (see AOC, any member of “the squad,” Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, etc.), but now the Dems are claiming that Biden has Covid (those jabs don’t seem to have been too effective), and this will undoubtably morph into some sort of life threatening condition. “It’s his heart (which he doesn’t have), and not his brain (which he doesn’t have either).”

    It doesn’t fix the Kamala problem, but at least it gets Joe out the door.

  5. My guess is that God has an “exit plan” for the Retarded Pedophile Usurper with
    which no conniving “humans” (“Dr.” Jill, demons in human form) will interfere.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Forget the rumors. I’m guessing the lying dogfaced pony soldierhas something in mind (what little is left) for the Democrat party along the lines of the Nero Befell.

  7. Forget the rumors. I’m guessing the lying dogfaced pony soldier has something in mind (what little is left) for the Democrat party along the lines of the Nero Befell.

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