Biden campaign ad REDUX – IOTW Report

Biden campaign ad REDUX

ht/ hot salsa

9 Comments on Biden campaign ad REDUX

  1. Joe Biden is a unique candidate…
    His age and IQ are the exact same number,
    Which his far below 100,
    Biden has never been the sharpest pencil in the box,
    He was the “insurance policy” that no one would assassinate Barry Obozo,
    Because Biden as President would be a complete and total disaster all day, every day!

  2. Why wouldn’t Joey lie?
    Socialism is a lie.
    The Demonrat Party is a lie – not just its name but its purpose.
    All their “Free Stuff” lies are lies – beginning with the simple fact that NOTHING IS FREE (even the air you breathe has pollen, dust, and pollutants which, eventually, rot your lungs).
    Racial divisiveness is a lie.
    Sexual divisiveness is a lie.
    Pervert promotion is a lie.
    Propounding that abortion is not homicide is a lie.
    Claiming to be American while trashing our Constitution is a lie.
    Finding “penumbras” in our Constitution is a lie.
    Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming is a lie.
    The purported reasons for disarming Americans is a lie.
    izlam is the “religion of peace” is a lie (also that izlam is a religion).

    I could go on, but you get the picture …

    izlamo delenda est …


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