Biden Campaign Panics, Calls for “All-Hands-On-Deck” Effort – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Panics, Calls for “All-Hands-On-Deck” Effort


The Biden administration is reportedly working with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for a fundraising event this spring.

The campaign team hopes that the first-of-its-kind event will energize voters who are currently not enthusiastic to vote for Joe Biden.

NBC News reports that they spoke to four people “familiar with the discussions” and that it will likely take place in March or April. More

24 Comments on Biden Campaign Panics, Calls for “All-Hands-On-Deck” Effort

  1. 3 phone calls: Oprah, Zuckerberg, and Soros. Maybe sprinkle in some tech executives to make them feel included. Fundraising complete, don’t even have to leave the White House basement for that.

    “The Biden campaign reportedly plans to have Biden “out in the country” campaigning at least two days a week.” They set the bar pretty low, didn’t they? And I bet he doesn’t make 2 per week at that.

  2. Bill will be there to rape the big girls, Joe to rape the little girls, and Barry to rape the boys.

    And their parents will gladly serve them up, because Ds do ANYTHING for power and influence.

  3. Two days a week, “out in the country”, talkin’ to folks. What could possibly go wrong? That shit will last all of two days in the first week it’s tried, and then it’s back to lids & basements. Unless they’re trying to kill or permanently incapacitate him, which is quite possible. All hands on grease it up and spread banana peels. Hail to the Ch——-whoops!

  4. Looks like the Øbamboozler and the Low-Life Bicycle Seat-Sniffing Trailer Park Troll (faces behind the scenes of the National Socialist Party) are coming forward to drag the demented, senile, filthy, traitorous, old kiddy-sniffing, pig-eyed waste of flesh across the finish line…

  5. Get Jilly out there, too!

    I read that the White House is coming down hard on Taylor Swift AI “porn” (?). Why is the WH involved with Taylor Swift … unless they’re pitching an endorsement from Tay-Tay to bring the slobbering Gen Z vote.

  6. If Shitpants must go “in the country” to fundraise, might I suggest, without the slightest cynicism, that he go to the country he has shown the most regard for, the Ukraine.
    And I bet he’s unwelcome even there!

    Today, it’s “all hands on deck”!
    We all know the phrase for when “Mooch for Preznit” is foist on the land.

  7. Brad
    MONDAY, 29 JANUARY 2024, 16:50 AT 4:50 PM
    “Why would Bo Rock help out if Big Mikes planning of running?”

    If it was a Mooch fundraiser, it would be “All Hands On Dick”.

  8. Their biggest problem is to find a friendly crowd without having to pay too much.
    Maybe try a few communist oriented black churches? Maybe they can set up on the border for their new constituents?


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