Biden Campaign Scrambles to Avoid Major Embarrassment in New Hampshire – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Scrambles to Avoid Major Embarrassment in New Hampshire


One of the refrains after Joe Biden inexplicably ascended to the presidency was that “the adults are in charge again.” The Biden campaign promised us reasonability and normalcy after what it considered a chaotic four years with Trump at the helm.

Instead, we’ve witnessed an administration that governs not just with bad policy but also with bad instincts. Nearly everything the Biden administration has touched has turned into a disaster. And now the Biden reelection campaign may have made an embarrassing misstep right out of the gate.

It turns out that the Biden 2024 movement is in a bind that it created. Thanks to the Biden administration’s collusion with the Democrat National Committee (DNC) to change the 2024 Democrat primary calendar, the president may not appear on the ballot in New Hampshire.

“The bizarre predicament is one of the president’s own making after he pushed for changes to the party’s presidential nominating calendar that stripped the Granite State of its first-in-the-nation primary,” reports Politico. “The move was designed to reward South Carolina, which catapulted Biden to the nomination in 2020.”

Cronyism involving Biden? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

But there’s a state law on the books in New Hampshire that requires the state’s primary to be a week before any other state’s contest. In a schadenfreudelicious turn of events, it just so happens that Republicans control the legislature and the governor’s mansion in the Granite State, and they’re not willing to budge on changing the law.

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18 Comments on Biden Campaign Scrambles to Avoid Major Embarrassment in New Hampshire

  1. More of the same crap we’ve seen simce the flop stole everything.

    But I’m not sure how it really matters which state goes first. I s’pose it’s kind of funny they can’t do *anything* right, except for avoiding the consequences of their actions.

    Something has to give. Way too much caustic water behind THAT dam.

  2. I can’t imagine how this will be any hindrance to the Dem machine. Arms will be twisted, pockets will be lined, rules will be changed, laws will be ignored and media will do as they’re told. I have no faith in NH GOP “standing firm” in the long run.

  3. “… an administration that governs not just with bad policy but also with bad instincts.”

    “… an administration that governs not just with evil policy but also with evil intent.”

    Fixed it for ya!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Satan cannot be embarrassed.
    His servants are proud of serving him – regardless of anything.
    This is why his male servants are only too happy to put on dresses and suck each other’s dicks – without shame – without embarrassment.
    This is why his servants, in general, will beclown themselves, contradict themselves, and blatantly lie – with full knowledge that they’re lying and also knowing that Satan’s lick-spittle, bend-over media will back them.
    As a matter of fact, the lack of shame and embarrassment is how the media, academia, hollyweird, the FBI, the DOJ, and the courts all pretend legitimacy.

    If they had any sense of shame or conscience they’d find real work.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “… an administration that governs not just with bad policy but also with bad instincts.”

    “… an administration that governs not just with evil policy but also with evil intent.”

    Fixed it for ya! -Tim

    Most of the Conservative media are NOT willing to do what you just did.

    You win my daily Internet.

  6. This story also shows that Kennedy & Williamson, even though they claim to be anti-establishment candidates, are willing to go along with the other Dirty Dems if it means votes.
    If a RINO establishment funded swamper were running and wanted NH to change dates I bet never Trumper Sununu would jump at the chance to change the laws.

  7. The implication being that voting actually matters, that ANY of the corrupt mechanisms that stole 2020 and 2022 have been removed or addressed, or that the party and its “super delegates” isn’t going to select whomever they want, regardless of state vote totals in the primaries?


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