Biden Campaign to Latinos: Yeah, We Don’t Need You to Beat Trump – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign to Latinos: Yeah, We Don’t Need You to Beat Trump


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is coming under fire for their Latino outreach efforts or rather lack thereof. As more than 32 million Latinos are expected to vote in November, Biden’s campaign has failed to rectify the Obama administration’s tough deportation policies for illegal aliens, POLITICO reported.

Instead of attempting to reach out and form a relationship with this group of voters, Biden’s campaign appears to be turning a blind eye to Latinos, at least that’s what Democratic operatives believe.

“I do not think that the Biden campaign thinks that Latinos are part of their path to victory,” Jess Morales Rocketto, the former digital organizing director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, told POLITICO.

According to The Week, more than 20 Democratic operatives believe Hispanics are vital to Biden’s success this November, especially in states like Arizona and Texas that could be flipped. But the operatives don’t see outreach efforts or any kind of ground game from the Biden campaign. The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has made that outreach even more difficult.  more  

10 Comments on Biden Campaign to Latinos: Yeah, We Don’t Need You to Beat Trump

  1. “Latinos,” whatever they are, have the same problems as everybody else.
    The point of government (yep, I’m naive) is to secure our Liberties and Freedoms.

    Why would any group (? – a “group” being a collection of individuals) be any different from any other?

    Politicians define “groups” to fit their biases. The “groups” play along, egged on by certain members (leaders) to enrich those particular members.
    Thus, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get filthy rich while the great mass of negroes rot in ghettos.
    Thus, Jorge Ramos and Geraldo Rivera become fabulously rich while the great mass of “hispanics” work in their trades or join criminal gangs.
    Same with Italians.
    Same with Irish.
    Same with Jews.
    Same with ragheads.
    &c., &c., &c.

    I guess that as long as the scam works it should be exploited.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim May 18, 2020 at 10:27 am

    > I guess that as long as the scam works it should be exploited.

    Not by US! How dare you, sir!? HOW DARE YOU!?

  3. Yesterday Biden claimed that the US economy lost 85,000 Jobs.

    Actual Number was closer to 36 Million!

    Source: Mark Dice May 18/2020 Y-tube

    Looks like Joe is not counting black people, hispanics, youth, students, red states, blue states, those near retirement, etc.

    Just the 85,000 hairy legged pool boys.

  4. Not to be too pedantic, but how can a political campaign “rectify” a policy? That implies that he actually can make a change of something (other than the Depends, though not sure about that either, and frankly do not want to know).

    I understand where the article is coming from, but all the Sleepy J campaign can do right now is to explain what he would do to change the policy.

    Not that it matters anyway. Even after most of the country gets away from this farce of a shutdown / lockdown, his campaign will try to keep Joe locked up in his basement.


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