Biden Campaign Trying to Calm the Troops – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Trying to Calm the Troops

Fox News

President Biden’s campaign on Wednesday sent out a fresh all-staff memo in an attempt to calm concerns about his chances of being re-elected following last week’s heavily criticized debate performance.

The memo, obtained by Fox News, highlights internal campaign polling that shows a still-close race with former President Trump. More

18 Comments on Biden Campaign Trying to Calm the Troops

  1. “However, the vice president trails Trump by just two points – 47%-45% – in a ”
    kamala got 2 percent of the Democrat vote in the first primary but she only trails Trump by 2 percent

  2. Looks like the Coup has imploded.

    The communist Govs he met with today came out with a statement, “We’re a 100% behind Joe. He’s stuck with us with everything we’ve been through for the last 3 1/2 years”
    I think they mean what he’s subjected us to for the last 3 1/2 years. Very dumb people.

  3. Joey “sent out a fresh all-staff memo in an attempt to calm concerns about his [re-election] chances [by highlighting] internal campaign polling that shows a still-close race with former President Trump.”

    It seems Joey is telling the staff what to think based on polling the staff on what they think. I think that’s called “circular [file] reasoning.”

  4. ^^^^^
    Absolutely true. That’s what happened in 2016. They weren’t prepared to cheat enough. And guess who’s leading the parade with bull shit polls. You’re right, FOX fucking news.

  5. ICYMI, those running the shitshow have that Alice Cooper looking nasty snatch convinced she’s actually been in charge the last three and a half years. She isn’t doing Jack shit, but they are making like she is calling the shots. She’s drunk with power she is convinced she has been wielding behind the scenes. Good Lord! Dis function would be a good long term goal for everyone involved in that circus sideshow to at least try to get to. The whole outfit is so fucking far gone it’ll never happen, but for Christ’s sake show a little initiative.

  6. pResident Briben my have certain immunities but the cabal acting in his name are not. The “we’re not going to quit” speech is usually followed a few days by “retirement”. Need Joetato to stay in so we can stand a chance of cleaning house whan they leave (after repairing all the childish damage the staff will pull before leaving)

  7. With the vote-fraud machine in full swing and the propaganda outfits spewing their trash “news” they (Demonrats and other assorted Traitors) could, literally, run another turnip and “win.”

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white guy)

    And good men are pretty well-versed in the arts of doing nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. They’re deciding whether it would be more advantageous if Joe first retired and then died, or died while still pResiding…grieving Nation and First Widow, foreign dignitaries, swimming pools, movie stars.


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