Biden CDC director starts crying… Warns of ‘impending doom’… – IOTW Report

Biden CDC director starts crying… Warns of ‘impending doom’…

What a crap actress.

21 Comments on Biden CDC director starts crying… Warns of ‘impending doom’…

  1. …makes you wonder if the Chinese are going to release something that the Pedophile will be told to have “his” government workers distribute…

  2. Oh, for the good ol’ days, when the only time you felt “impending doom” was as you sat down on the crapper the morning after you went to a Thai restaurant for dinner and ordered your chicken in green curry “Thai hot”.

  3. “President Joe Biden and a top health official warned Monday that too many Americans are declaring virus victory too quickly, appealing for mask requirements and other restrictions to be maintained or restored to stave off a “fourth surge” of COVID-19”

  4. There’s no crying in medicine.

    If you’ve had any sort of patient contact for any length of time at all, you’ve seen some horrific things, both done by accident and by malice. You’ve seen tragic death and terrible pain and had to tell people things that, frankly, you do not want to tell them.

    But you can’t function if you’re emotional about it.

    SOP in the day was that you sucked it up, kept an incisive, professional demeanor, and did everything you could to inspire confidence not only in your patients, but in their familes and in the community that’s watching you render aid.

    You may feel like running around crying and screaming and shouting and arguing at cross-purposes, but you do that LATER, when the job is done and no one is watching and there are no stakes. There’s already enough crying, screaming, shouting, and arguing people to go around, and it’s not going to improve the situation one iota if you simply join in. You’d be amazed at how much it destresses a situation if you remain calm and forcefully state your purpose and goals and give firm instructions instead of open the floor for debate in an emergency. Even if you have a disagreement with a partner, you save THAT shit for the house later, in public and with patients, you’re of one mind and one accord.

    But that was then. Maybe I’m old-fashioned.

    The world was about skill and professionalism then. THIS world seems to be about feelz and emotions. I learned about the clinincal demeanor IN hospitals, but hospitals NOW do not seem to have it. Maybe it’s the result of Obamacare, maybe it’s some Affirmative Action Fairness dumbing down sort of thing, maybe its because it’s more rewarding financially and professionally now to be a cunt than to be a pro, maybe it’s all of those things and more, I don’t know.

    Whatever, this woman crying her crocodile tears seems to be the face of modern “medicine”. Frail, weak, emotional, always some sort of minority or maybe many sorts of protected classes together, projecting fear and angst instead of confidence and professionalism, with everthing filtered through a political lens instead of a patient care lens.

    That would seem to be the way of the world now.

    I had a super doc before Obamacare that actually did DOCTOR things. You know, ausculate (listen), inspect, palpate (feel), and percuss (tap to find tenderness, organ borders, help hear fluid in lungs, among other things). He was NOT afraid of patient contact.

    Then, after Obamacare, but before COVID, he retired and they gave me a young foreign doctor who liked to asses with loud questions from across the room, maybe he would glance at a troubled spot on my anatomy once his assistants prepped it so he didn’t have to be involved, but that was it. I changed docs, then COVID hit, and now it’s the same thing, but he wears a grinding mask now and shouts muffled questions from the far corner through an N95 rig undeneath the grinding mask.

    I don’t go much to the doctor any more. It’s just stupid. But not as stupid as the time (pre-COVID, but post Obamacare) that I took my wife to the hospital for stiches (her lizard bit her, long story) and (obviously) antibiotics, only to have to wait 2 hours, have a nurse practitioner (not sure if there even WAS an actual doctor in the ER that night) come in and start to numb her hand and then abruptly run off for another hour, only to have the “fast track” close around us so they moved us to ANOTHER part of the ER where we were told by a Physician’s Assistant that the NP had accidentally stuck himself with the anastetic needle and would we consent to an AIDS test to make him feelz beddar?

    Whatever, my wife didn’t have AIDs but we’re not paying for it, sure, test away but will SOMEbody fix my wife’s hand and give her some shots? Well, they finally did a (crappy) stitch job but we DID get needed antibiotics, her unnneeded AIDS test came back negative, and we lived to be disgusted another day, about 9 hours later when we left.

    That’s modern medicine.

    I wouldn’t cry for a seasonal flu that mutates every year, as seasonal flus do, and kills a small percentage of already weak people as seasonal flus do.

    …but it probably IS something to cry about how the Democrats destroyed and politicized what was once the premier medical system in the WORLD, and will probably turn it to evils only Dr. Mengele could have concieved in a prevous generation before it’s over.

    So don’t look at this fake, crying woman as a concerned doctor.

    Look at her as a harbinger of things to come.

    Medicine can no longer be trusted as healers.

    But they WILL weep crocodile tears at your funeral before they MAKE it happen, IF that’s politically expedient for them to do.

    You can expect NOTHING else out of them.

    Nothing at ALL.

    …we are well and truly on our own at this point, but it will actually get WORSE.

    …Because at SOME point, they will not be content to just leave us to die, but will actually try to make it HAPPEN.

    …ask the folks in NY, PA, and MI nursing homes how THAT works.

    but maybe they have ALREADY started to come for us medically.

    Because no one REALLY knows what’s IN those proffered and soon-to-be forced needles, or what it will do, or indeed may be INTENDED to do, but you can bet your bippy that it isn’t for YOUR benefit they want to stick you, whatever it is.

    …because after all, would you trust THIS woman to inject you with an experimental substance?

    …I sure as hell would not…

    God help us.

    No one ELSE is going to…

  5. Here. Let me fix it for her.

    Please, please, please! Stay afraid so we can take more power! PLEEEAASE let us complete our commie takeover of your lives!
    You’ll be miserable but happy.

    Don’t remove the controla masks. Don’t be independent, thinking people! Don’t take personal responsibility.

  6. I’m reminded of the scene in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance where the corrupt politician says he had a prepared speech but this time he’s gonna speak from the heart and he throws the speech on the floor. Another guy picks it up revealing a blank piece of paper.


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