Biden Clashes With Warren and Sanders Over Medicare for All: ‘How We Gonna Pay for It?’ – IOTW Report

Biden Clashes With Warren and Sanders Over Medicare for All: ‘How We Gonna Pay for It?’

Epoch Times: Former vice president Joe Biden clashed with the other top Democratic presidential contenders on Sept. 12 over Medicare for All, a socialist proposal that would have the government take over the entire health industry.

Biden says his plan, which keeps Obamacare and builds on it, cost a lot of money—$734 million—but nowhere near the projected cost of Medicare for All.

“How we gonna pay for it? I wanna hear tonight,” he said, accusing Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) of not saying clearly how she would pay for the plan.

Medicare for All is projected to cost $32.6 trillion over 10 years.

When the moderator asked Warren if she could clearly state that higher taxes for the middle class would be required to fund Medicare for All, Warren said she would tax “those at the very top, the richest individuals, the richest corporations.”

“They are going to pay more. Middle-class families are going to pay less,” she claimed.

Pressed on whether taxes would go up and whether private insurance would be eliminated, Warren said families “have to deal with total cost.”

4 Comments on Biden Clashes With Warren and Sanders Over Medicare for All: ‘How We Gonna Pay for It?’

  1. Biden is talking out of both sides of his mouth… if he keeps and builds on Obamacare, that will lead to Medicare for All.

    The BIG FUCKING DEAL is that we have to get rid of Zero-care, lock stock and barrel — are the RINOs listening anymore?

  2. And Warren and Sanders responded: Hey Joe you crazy, senile, old dick head we are not going to pay for it the taxpayer are. And you call yourself a Democrat in good standing and don’t even know the basics of our party! TAX and SPEND!!!!!


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