survive the news
Joe and Dr. Jill Biden on Monday participated in a tree planting ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House.
The tree planting ceremony was in honor of Dale Haney who has been a White House groundskeeper for the past 50 years.
Dr. Jill, Joe Biden and Dale Haney took a photo together after planting a tree.
Jill bossed her husband Joe around because he wasn’t paying attention to the photographer.
“Come on, Joe!” Dr. Jill shouted.
Jill Biden sneered a reporter asking questions about the midterm elections.
Joe Biden ignored the reporter, turned around and got lost.
“Where are we going?” a clueless Biden said. More
You can’t blame him for being lost, it’s the first time all day he’s been back there.
Duh, which way did they go George, which way did they go?
Meanwhile Jill just walks away like she don’t GAF anymore!
And rightfield is currently held &/or between Pete Buttigieg & Dr Rachel Levine, OH MY!
For a few seconds….I thought that was a green sofa….
with a blondish dawg humping it.
Far-left field.
Can’t wait until they finally plant America’s Crash Dummy in Far-left field!
Dale Hane, aka.Mr. Haney, previously had better luck telling Arnold Ziffel where to go….
And that was one of his better days!
We know ya’ll support trannys & gays because you talk bout everyday just like lil school kidsm
“Where are we going?” a clueless Biden said.
To Hell Joe, straight to Hell. Both you and the “Dr.” Jill. The only question is when.
Plant biden*.
Where are we going?
I ask myself the same question numerous times daily.
^^^^ where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?^^^^
Got lost in his own backyard. Hah!