Biden Commutes Sentence of a Notorious Synthetic Drugs Seller – IOTW Report

Biden Commutes Sentence of a Notorious Synthetic Drugs Seller

Duluth News Tribune

President Joe Biden commuted the federal drug sentence of the former owner of an infamous downtown head shop.

Jim Carlson, 67, the ex-owner of Last Place on Earth,  is among the 1,499 individuals whose sentences Biden announced he would commute on Dec. 12 in a sweeping act of clemency aimed at “individuals who were placed on home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic and who have successfully reintegrated into their families and communities.” A White House fact sheet said those receiving a commutation had been serving sentences at home “for at least one year.”

Carlson received a 17 1/2-year federal prison sentence in 2014 after a Minneapolis jury convicted him on Oct. 7, 2013, of 51 charges related to the sale of synthetic drugs, product mislabeling and money laundering. He served part of that sentence at a low-security federal prison in Michigan and, in 2016, had a projected release of December 2028. More

Now they want reform. Too late, suckers. Here

7 Comments on Biden Commutes Sentence of a Notorious Synthetic Drugs Seller

  1. These people that are coming up with this bull shit have got to be head up their asses 24 year old jr staffers that stole Biden’s auto pen. which won’t work for pardons. Someone needs to bust this shit wide open.

  2. I detect a pattern here. Pardon his drug addict son and all his druggie friends and dealers? When can these freaks finally be a long ways off in the rear view mirror of American history?


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