Biden Concedes to Taliban Terms; Won’t Extend Withdraw Date Beyond August 31st; Draw Down Of Forces Continue In Order To Meet Deadline – IOTW Report

Biden Concedes to Taliban Terms; Won’t Extend Withdraw Date Beyond August 31st; Draw Down Of Forces Continue In Order To Meet Deadline

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

President Joe Biden has decided not to extend his Aug. 31 deadline for completing the U.S.-led evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies from Afghanistan, an administration official said Tuesday.

Biden made the decision after consultation with his national security team. Weighing the risks of keeping forces on the ground beyond the deadline, he opted to complete the mission by next Tuesday, which was the deadline he set well before the Taliban completed its takeover of Afghanistan on Aug. 15. More


The U.S. military is continuing to draw down its forces from Afghanistan ahead of the August 31, 2021, deadline, according to defense officials on Tuesday.

Defense officials confirmed to Breitbart News that the Pentagon has withdrawn some troops from Afghanistan who were scheduled to be withdrawn by President Joe Biden’s deadline of August 31, but said that the units that were surged to the region to assist in the evacuation are still in the country as of now. More

12 Comments on Biden Concedes to Taliban Terms; Won’t Extend Withdraw Date Beyond August 31st; Draw Down Of Forces Continue In Order To Meet Deadline

  1. So he basically told the taliban when he’d be out?! Am I reading that right? Biden engineers are doing an excellent job of taking us down. Where the fuck are any true conservatives? Court martial him, then kamel then pelosi!

  2. I expect Joe is going to get the Kennedy treatment and it will involve an AR this time so they can use the situation to try to confiscate citizens guns. Whether it’s CIA or FBI or both it is coming. America is being set up to trash our Constitutional Rights

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