Biden Declares Easter “Transgender Day” – IOTW Report

Biden Declares Easter “Transgender Day”

19 Comments on Biden Declares Easter “Transgender Day”

  1. “This election is NOT about a Democrat vs a Republican. It’s about ALL Americans vs Extremism.”

    I’ll be dipped, I actually agree with the assclown Swalwell on this point.

    “Truth, not tantrums”
    Aren’t tantrums his SOP?

  2. it’s not wise Joe to associate the name of The Lord with a “law” like that.It will just turn up the heat upon you and all like you when The Lord sends you to hell……

  3. My low expectations of joe bidumb keeps growing by an exponential negativity every time he declares anything thru his idiot piehole. How much more of his bs do we have to take? May God have mercy on him, I can’t because I hate the bastard and his entire illegitimate administration and all of his sycophant enablers. It seems to me that that punished a lot of the unrepentant evil Israelite Kings in the Old Testament for lesser offenses than what joey is trying to get away with. And I wouldn’t want to be on joey’s side of God’s judgement against this jerk. How soon will we see God smoke joey with fire and brimstone or worse?

  4. The Pedo is a vegetable. The Luciferian Lizard Obama is the satanic demon rubbing Christian faces in it. It’s one of his favorite activities.

    Jokes on him as his short and blasphemous life on earth is but a microsecond of a flicker of the eternal torments awaiting him in hell…

  5. joey must think that he is a small g god to utter such total blasphemy just like this before Easter in equating Christ’s sacrifice with transgenderism. There is no comparison jerk and there never will be with Easter and declaring transgenderism to be a new right just because you declare it to be. I will not be one praying for this total bs lie straight out of the pits of Hell, I will be praying God’s will be done and you will be held accountable by God for this total blasphemous, evil proclamation. You are not God even though you may think you are and that you can bamboozle us into believing this total lie. This is the biggest damn lie that you’ve uttered yet. My utter contempt for you knows no bounds.


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