Biden Distributing Another $800 Million to Ukraine, Still Nothing for U.S. Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Biden Distributing Another $800 Million to Ukraine, Still Nothing for U.S. Border Crisis


According to multiple media outlets [CNN hereReuters here] Joe Biden is sending another $800 million in weapons to Ukraine.  This is the third delivery of U.S. military hardware bringing the total weapons deliveries to $3.4 billion since late February.  Congress has allocated $14 billion for the laundry operation, which *may* include authorization for much of this current distribution.

In the last several days the Russian military have been posting on their ground reports, about the capture of many millions in U.S. weapons as the Russian army moves more forcefully and methodically to secure the Eastern Ukraine Donbas region.

While western media talks about an ongoing battle for the Russia-Ukraine city of Mariupol, the reality is the remaining Ukraine regiment in the city is now located in a steel factory where they took civilians to provide cover.  The Russians have given them a deadline to surrender.

At this point Mariupol is a western media talking point, a created Alamo narrative, about to disappear. more

11 Comments on Biden Distributing Another $800 Million to Ukraine, Still Nothing for U.S. Border Crisis

  1. Pretty sure they’re taking this money right out of our defense budget. And I read today they have no accountability as to where these weapons are actually going. Insane shit.

  2. Don’t worry. Ukraine is the largest laundromat in the entire World.
    The money will be back on our shores within hours – though in different bank accounts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The whole thing disgusts me. We taxpayers are paying gangsters in the US, Ukraine, China, and possibly Russia itself.

    Yet we have liberals (Anti-war peaceniks during prior wars) babbling about how we must do a lot more to help Ukraine, from sending troops there to cutting off Putin’s balls.

    Everything seems to change into its opposite given enough time.

  4. Tim Buktu,

    Years ago I used to say to Pittsburgh Friends, ” how much longer is your government going to expect you to pay for the rest of the world’s problems.

    That was roughly 2005.

    it bothered me way back then and it has only gotten worse.

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