‘Frustrated’ Fauxcahontas offers Dems urgent tips to avoid midterm bloodbath – IOTW Report

‘Frustrated’ Fauxcahontas offers Dems urgent tips to avoid midterm bloodbath


If Democrats have any hope of avoiding an electoral bloodbath of epic proportions in November, President Joe Biden and the party’s congressional leaders need to deliver on the far-left agenda that progressives have noisily demanded and do it now, at least according to Senator Elizabeth Warren.

In a Monday New York Times column, the Massachusetts progressive issued a rallying cry to Democrats who she implored, “over the next 200 days or so before the election to deliver meaningful improvements for working people,” in order to overcome what she describes as Republican politicians who “peddle lies, fear and division,” an acknowledgment that “woke” ideology, cancel culture and Critical Race Theory could cost her party dearly in the critically important midterms.

“To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed toward big losses in the midterms,” wrote Warren who, despite all of the hype over her presidential campaign, was drubbed in her own state’s primary in 2020.

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19 Comments on ‘Frustrated’ Fauxcahontas offers Dems urgent tips to avoid midterm bloodbath

  1. What. A. Fucking. Maroon.

    More of our agenda…??? Yet in the next breath she condemns CRT, wokeness & the cancel culture, the very heart of their agenda. Jesus, buy a GD clue woman. What planet are you living on?

  2. No, asshole democrats… Delivering on your endless shitty agendas is why you are so widely reviled. Here’s an idea:

    Leave this country, its valuable resources, and its people the fuck alone!!!

  3. What would she know about “working people?”
    She’s never done as much as a single day of work in her miserable, useless, grifting, lie-filled, faux-Indian, corrupt, nihilistic, totalitarian life.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die! That’s the only way you and your ilk could possibly benefit America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This isn’t about rallying the Left’s base. This is about pushing through as much of the Left’s agenda as possible in the short amount of time remaining before they gets massacred in the mid-terms and lose their grip on power. Implementing the Left’s agenda is what has led to the mess we’re in, and it’s the reason why they’re facing almost certain electoral defeat. If you think people want to vote against the Left now, wait until they start piling it on.

  5. The phony squaw sees the writing on the TeePee wall. I don’t think she can do anything to wash off the words.

    From the lying little shit Fauci to the nincompoop in the White House, we have seen too much to accept the liberal agenda anymore.

  6. Can anyone explain to me how shifting the burden of the student debt from the worthless entitled layabouts who ran up outrageous totals to “working families” delivers anything meaningful for working families?

  7. I’d sit with her and have a few Fire Water’s, some Smoke and a Raw Buffalo Heart just to see if she actually walk the walk.

    Lord knows she can’t drink a beer.

  8. So, if The Bolsheviks don’t obey her, The Bolsheviks Republicans, at least the Republicans approved by The Bolsheviks to be listed on the Bolshevik ballot, as sworn loyal “opposition” to The Bolsheviks, might… be… “elected” (subject to change without notice).



  9. @JDHasty April 20, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    > Can anyone explain to me how shifting the burden of the student debt from the worthless entitled layabouts who ran up outrageous totals to “working families” delivers anything meaningful for working families?

    Can anyone explain how moving the fake money in this government pocket, to that government pocket, “shifts” any “debt”.

    “Envy” of “pride”. It’s what Judeo-Christ would do.

  10. @mickey moussaoui April 20, 2022 at 3:51 pm

    > Too late! Once they rigged the electio and inserted a pair of idiots it was all over from the start.

    And, yet… Here we are.

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