Biden Ditched in Ohio by Dem Senate Candidate, Tim Ryan – IOTW Report

Biden Ditched in Ohio by Dem Senate Candidate, Tim Ryan


President Joe Biden will tout expanded U.S. manufacturing in Ohio on Friday, but the Democratic candidate for the state’s pivotal Senate seat won’t be joining him.

Biden will speak in Cincinnati three days after a primary election that saw Republicans nominate author and venture capitalist J.D. Vance for the Senate seat while Democrats selected Representative Tim Ryan. Vance calls Cincinnati his hometown.

13 Comments on Biden Ditched in Ohio by Dem Senate Candidate, Tim Ryan

  1. I saw something that said Ryan is playing the unusual Democrat game of “Forget about everything I’ve said about anything” in order to appear more moderate.

  2. He actually went to a place North of Cincy, Hamilton, which has its OWN history of being destroyed by Democrats, so he’s right at home.

    Of COURSE, being the fuckhead he is that is ignorant of the travels of people who don’t get motorcades of long, black tax tractors, he traveled AT RUSH HOUR ON FRIDAY ON THE AREA’S BUSIEST HIGHWAYS just to give an extra “Fuck You” to the workingmen he was pretending to visit.

    “Update, 4 p.m.: President Biden’s motorcade is leaving Hamilton folllowing his remarks at a manufacturing facility.”

    …Pedo went to a metal company “to discuss 3D printing”

    Probably in the context of making gun parts.

    Whatever the asshole was here for, you can bet no good will come of it.

    And you can be sure no ACTUAL working man was allowed in throat-punching range of him.

    You can tell because he’s still alive.

  3. ^^^
    “The commute from CVG to Hamilton was estimated to be about 50 minutes, according to Google and the same upon return. That could, if scheduling and traffic patterns agree, cause delays on Interstate 275 and Interstate 75 Friday afternoon and evening.”


  4. I saw people Along his route with a Fk Joe Biden flag. I can’t stand what this demented addle brained fraud is allowing to happen to our country. I also hate how course political conversation has become.

  5. While the known compulsive liar Joe Biden can never be believed about anything, he can be believed when he admits to being a ‘REAL SEGREGATIONIST’ and hanging out with those fiends.

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