Biden Doesn’t Get It – His Touching of a Child and the Subsequent Joke Means He Hasn’t Learned a Thing – IOTW Report

Biden Doesn’t Get It – His Touching of a Child and the Subsequent Joke Means He Hasn’t Learned a Thing

16 Comments on Biden Doesn’t Get It – His Touching of a Child and the Subsequent Joke Means He Hasn’t Learned a Thing

  1. It’s an urge that he can’t control. Get him around children and the fondling begins. He should have no further interaction with children by court order or face a long jail term.

  2. Remember folks, the biggest rush of satisfaction Diabolical Narcissists experience is from the getting away with it. They act out publicly, egregiously, and then wallow and luxuriate in the sense of power and domination they feel when no one does a damn thing, and their victims even defend or cover for the DN’s abusive or even criminal behavior. They STUDY the hopelessness and effeminate impotence of their victims, too cowed by the DN to confront him (or her).

    Ann Barnhardt

  3. Add for Joe’s run.

    Start with Joe then cut to Babs Streisand- she is lying back in a recliner couch dressed in silk something that leave nothing to the imagination, I mean you can see all the fat folds of her body while she has a glass of whiskey and starts with “And let me tell you another thing; those women and children, they were in the freaking White House or standing next to the freaking V. P. of the freaking UNITED STATES of AMERICA. They were having the time of their lives. They will tell their kids and grand kids. I mean, no one was killed! Am I right!?! So, get over it and vote for Joe!

  4. Tigers don’t change their stripes, especially when they’re 77 years old.

    Plus, he’s had people kissing his ass since he was in his 30’s.

    Nope, this creep is the poster geezer of Washington Entitlement.

  5. Sexual perversion has become openly blatant the past few years, but it has always been present in society. When it becomes part of public educational curriculum and accepted political behavior, our society has been taken over by the agenda of atheistic, satanic Communists. The very ones who now control our government in Congress.


    Thursday, January 18, 2018
    Pedophiles in American Government – A Revealing Discussion with FBI Whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, on the Fight to End Pedophilia in High Places


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