Biden Drawing Up Executive Orders To Take The Nation Backwards If Given Half A Chance – IOTW Report

Biden Drawing Up Executive Orders To Take The Nation Backwards If Given Half A Chance


Former Vice President Joe Biden is preparing a bevy of executive orders to issue on his first day in the White House that will reverse some of the key policies of the Trump administration.

Biden, whom the Associated Press declared president-elect on Saturday, has already tasked his transition team with focusing on how to leverage the “executive power” of the Oval Office, according to the Washington Post. More

15 Comments on Biden Drawing Up Executive Orders To Take The Nation Backwards If Given Half A Chance

  1. Things to consider coming from the generic left:

    1. Deepfake videos of a very lucid and oddly intelligent-appearing Biden.

    2. This election is just like the Trump impeachment. They will keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks, or polling turns against them.

    3. They are already preparing for their fifth next move. Where are you in your planning?

  2. This abject simpleton and senile, brain-damaged dictator-to-be will bankrupt our country, take away our cherished rights and destroy our national and urban security while incrementally ensnaring our beloved people into the vise grip and jaws of communism, if actually elected.

  3. By the end of Biden’s first six months we will be in approximately the same place we would have been if Hillary had won over Trump.

    By the end of his term, we -and the word- will be farther along than if Hillary had won a second term.

    The real disaster, a world changing and maybe world ending disaster, will be that the progress toward peace being made in the middle east will be reversed almost immediately, within six or so months, with war and threats of war once again dominating the region.

    We were on the verge of peace there, something that has never happened before, and that will end under Biden. Maybe this was the real purpose of his win which was engineered at the highest and most unseen level of power. It can’t allow that to happen at this time and will never allow it except under its own terms and authority.

    We had a glimpse of what could be, we allowed that glimpse to slip away instead of becoming the reality of our future.

    In the end, the blame for all of mans problems and evils lands squarely on man himself, he is given a choice and that is what he chooses.

  4. —“This abject simpleton and senile, brain-damaged dictator-to-be will bankrupt our country, take away our cherished rights and destroy our national and urban security while incrementally ensnaring our beloved people”—

    Glad he’s been voted out.

  5. Comrades! This is the first glimpse of the New Economic Policy. Get in lockstep! Don’t look backwards! Adjust your attitude! More votes were counted for Dementia Joe and Kalamity than any other American Communists since the glorious days of the Really Great Depression. The people have spoken. Not those other, regressive people, the real people have finally spoken with one voice. They are the real citizens of the New World Order. We all will feel better about this after the Glorious Inauguration, when the rioting and looting can resume in liberated cities.


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