Biden Era US Marines Forced To Surrender 5 Days Into Exercise Against British Marines Commandos – IOTW Report

Biden Era US Marines Forced To Surrender 5 Days Into Exercise Against British Marines Commandos

UK Daily Mail

Royal Marines commandos ‘dominated’ US troops and forced them into a humiliating surrender just days into a mass training exercise in the Mojave desert, it has been revealed today. 

British forces took part in a five-day mock battle at the US Marine Corps’ Twentynine Palms base in southern California, one of the largest military training areas in the world, and achieved a decisive victory against their American counterparts.

The Royal Marines, along with allied forces from Canada, the Netherlands and the UAE, destroyed or rendered inoperable nearly every US asset and finished the exercise holding more than 65 per cent of the training area, after beginning with less than 20 per cent. More

Why this happened: More Here

25 Comments on Biden Era US Marines Forced To Surrender 5 Days Into Exercise Against British Marines Commandos

  1. They’re getting us ready for when this happens for real. Same outcome if they went up against the girl scouts. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a military vet and backer, but this admin, like all demonrat administrations let the military go to hell. Disgusting.

  2. Sounds like something righ outta “The Dirty Dozen” – a nuther movie that couldn’t be produced today with the “Woke” moisturizing metrosexual, bead-strumming, White guilt-ridden anal army running things today!

  3. It’s real simple, something I saw first hand both in the military and in LE, when you lower standards to meet bullshit quotas, efficiency, unit cohesion drops and people die, or get captured in the Mohave desert.

    Just curious, after surrendering did these marines give up their weapons and a list of names of all the people that helped them get to their training exercise?

  4. They could not fight those whom they could not gender identify nor address with their respective pronouns of choice. Therefore they just surrendered rather than triggered.

    Even the Marines are now obsolete. The old bunny is rolling in his grave and the ghost of Chest Puller now walks the earth.

  5. Talking to my good friend a 91 year old 1st Sgt Marine last night and he said “Like it or not Doc, but we will always be know as THE OLD BREED!

    I don’t know if the damage o’fuckingbama and the libs have done to the Corps can ever be repaired.

  6. My favorite Chesty Puller quote;

    “All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time.”

  7. When I entered the male dominated work force almost fifty years ago I saw the beginning of the end of American productivity. It started out with women who couldn’t keep up with men so the men began doing less and less and ended up with a young work force who couldn’t be told to do their jobs because their feelings would get hurt and the managers would have to take sensitivity training. Glad I’m enjoying retirement!

  8. i was reading 1776 by David McCoulloch and it took Providence to save us from the mightiest army and navy in the world. It seems Washington and the Continental Army retreated their way to victory. It will take another act of God to save us.


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