Biden Fails the West – IOTW Report

Biden Fails the West

The Hill

Global economies are in free fall even as inflation runs unchecked. The Western world looks to the president of the United States for leadership; they look in vain.

President Biden has not undertaken the two things that might help the economy here at home and others around the world regain their footing: stop the gusher of cash coming from the federal government and help U.S. oil and gas industries ramp up production to bring down energy prices. More

12 Comments on Biden Fails the West

  1. “But soon all shall be burned. The West has failed. It shall all go up in a great fire, and all shall be ended. Ash! Ash and smoke blown away on the wind!”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  2. “Biden Fails the West ”

    Nah, the only thing Biden has failed is his urine test. Obama, Susan Rice, etc etc have failed the west and more importantly are trying to FUNDAMENTALLY DESTROY IT. In case you missed the halfricans last speech his hatred was glaring. “The reason Americans hate the border situation is because they don’t like darker shades of people entering the united states”. I para phrased, but that’s basically what the asshole said. America, including white people elected that ass hole twice. Or did we?

  3. “Fail” nothing. It’s all intentional. This pricks is Xi’s puppet, and Xi is careful to not make it too obvious. For that matter, nearly the entire Congress is Xi’s puppet.

  4. The piece of Immoral Human Garbage failed the entire world, which was relatively peaceful under DJT.

    I warned friends & family about Blood in the Desert if this Fuck Head got elected.

    I was wrong…

    There is Blood in Europe, the Mid-East (barely reported), at the boarders, In Western Cities, the Stock Market, housing market, The Energy market AND the DESERT.

    I was so wrong.

    Much Much Worse and I’m no happy about it.

  5. Brad,

    I just read about it.
    I guess the one positive thing is that they aren’t opening up Brit or Aussie Cop shops. They throw you in jail for mis-gendering.

    Turdette always admired ChYnA.

  6. The US doesn’t have no stinkin’ ‘president’. What we have is some dumber-than-dumb ‘RESIDENT’ of the US who’s complicit in the engineering of a whole lot of chaos, explosions, food starvations, widespread poverty, fires, violence, herd culling, seks assaults and much more.

  7. Stolen elections have consequences.
    If you allow Globalist maggots to abuse your electoral process, this is what you get.
    Once we let Satan stand at the podium, everything was lost.

    Most of us didn’t even care enough to get off our asses to vote, so the Satanists in the Higher Ranks of BOTH parties decided that we didn’t GAF and proceeded to do our voting for us. Biden & Co’s usurpation brought with it unencumbered corruption, lies, deceit, perversion, inflation, pestilence, war, and death (they’re working on famine).

    “We have met the enemy; and he is us.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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