Joe Biden fell asleep during the middle of the USS Delaware Commemoration. He was standing up at time.
— Andrew @ Don't Walk, RUN! Productions (@DontWalkRUN) April 2, 2022
81 million votes, guys…
19 Comments on Biden Falls Asleep on His Feet
Comments are closed. fairness, I’ve fallen asleep on my feet before, but this would have been after 4 hours of classes and 8 hours of working on cars followed by 12 hour Squad shifts that turned in 16 hour shifts because of a 3 AM structure fire.
Also, I wasn’t pretending to be President.
…and while I was never in the military I DID learn how to salute for Department funerals and such, and that floppy C-hand bent wrist thing Pedo is doing if pretty much the crappiest excuse for a salute that I have ever seen.
And he’s supposed to salute a LOT.
Either he’s just being disrespectful or no one’s ever actually taught him how.
You decide.
Who is propping up FJB?
You think he’d of learned to salute, saving all those Marines on Iwo Jima as he did in WWII
He’s a cardboard cut out.
I feel safer when he sleeps.
The problem isn’t him falling asleep.
Bastard keeps waking up!
Software glitch.
One Horse Ponies can easily sleep on their feet. Too bad they can’t soeak as well as Mr. Ed.
And I’m pretty sure Mrs. Biden kicked Matlock in his fetlock.
And Doctor Jill looks like an old hag without the benefit of Vogue’s styling and airbrushing.
Does anyone here think that Joe knows what’s going on with Humper? I notice no one has asked him about Humper lately. He gets pissed when someone does. Biden is saluting for a long time because Jill forgot to cue him to put his hand down.
@Bob M – grammar lesson for today.
He’d of – did you mean he’d have? The contractions could’ve and would’ve for example sound like could of or would of but they are actually contractions for could have and would have.
You’re welcome
And you are correct that he should’ve learned how to salute – what a pathetic and avoidable mess we are in with this demented ass clown in the fake Oval Office.
Nobody told me we’d (we would) be tested on this site.
I’d have (I would have) studied for it.
What’ll (what will) be funny as shit (as all get-out) is when he finally drops stone dead.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Tim – FJB
APRIL 4, 2022 AT 10:59 AM
‘What’ll (what will) be funny as shit (as all get-out) is when he finally drops stone dead.”
…yes,but it will very quickly become less funny as soon as the brainless whore is sworn in, followed by VP Hillary…
I’m old. I take my pleasures where I can.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
You can see his wife giving him the side eye checking up on him. And what’s with that wrist thing? Probably wanted to check his watch. I don’t feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for us for having such a doofus “leading” us. Path.